Salting-out-assisted-liquid-liquid-extraction of ectoine from a halophilic bacterium

Autor: Luque Consuegra, G., Moore Fischer Gilpin, I., Kutschke, S., Pollmann, K.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: GREN 2018, 13.-16.05.2018, Berlin, Deutschland
Popis: The aim was detect Ectoine using chemical analysis and to calculate the Setchenow (Ks) constant of Ectoine in salt solutions at different concentrations. Solubility of Ectoine is reduced in increasing salt concentration, thus making a suitable Salting-Out procedure viable. Solubility in Methanol indicates potential solvent to carry out the Salting-Out procedure. A suitable TLC solvent mixture identified which could be used for detection of ectoine from solution
Databáze: OpenAIRE