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Криминалистичко-форензичка обрада аутомобила који су горели је специфично подручје криминалистичке технике због тога што је трасолошка ситуација битно другачија од оне која се среће приликом истраживања других догађаја и кривичних дела. Због релативно малог простора аутомобила и релативно велике густине и запаљиве моћи горивих материјала који се у њему налазе, брзина развоја и снага пожара на таквим возилима може бити врло велика. То доприноси да многи трагови који би могли указивати на могући узрок и начин настанка пожара, могу бити у великој мери или у потпуности уништени. Имајући у виду ту опасност, али и пролазност и непоновљивост неких појава, веома су важни брз излазак на лице места и брзо гашење пожара, праћење и снимање развоја пожара, као и уочавање његових карактеристика. При томе, треба имати у виду да је у оваквим ситуацијама могућност доказивања персоналним изворима доказа сведена на минимум, због чега се криминалистичке истраге морају заснивати на материјалним доказима прибављеним током увиђаја. Циљ овог рада је да укаже на специфичне трагове у случајевима самозапаљења возила, и то када је пожар избио у простору око мотора и у кабини возила. Criminal-forensic treatment of burning cars is a specific area of forensic technology due to the fact that the traceology situation is significantly different from that encountered when investigating other events and crimes. Due to the relatively small space of the car and the relatively high density and flammability of the combustible materials contained in it, the speed of development and fire power on such vehicles can be very high. This contributes to the fact that many traces that could indicate the possible cause and manner of the fire can be largely or completely destroyed. Having in mind that danger, but also the transience and unrepeatability of some phenomena, it is very important to quickly go to the scene and quickly put out the fire, monitor and record the development of the fire, as well as notice its characteristics. The aim of this paper is to point out specific traces in cases of vehicle self-ignition, when a fire broke out in the area around the engine and in the vehic le cabin. Specific traces were specially analysed, indicating that the fire broke out under the hood of the vehicle while the hood was in the closed position. These traces can be found on the outer surface of the hood, on the edges of the hood, on the inner surface of the hood and on electrical installations under the hood. The seal-like burns indicates that the fire started inside, under the closed ho od. This trace is actually a “painted pattern” of the hood construct ion on its outer surface. Also, the smoke halo (ring) was analysed as a trace that excludes the possibility of the existence of combustion accelerators, but also the possibility that the exterior of the engine cover is the place where the fire occurred. The smoke halo (ring) indicates that the hood was in the closed position at the time of the fire, because if it had been in the open position, this trace would not have occurred. Finally, traces were analysed that indicate that the centre of the fire is in the cabin of the vehicle, with special reference to the lower burning limit on the door and the lower side edges of the vehicle. Namely, in these places there is almost always unburned combustible matter ( paint and varnish) with clear burning limits, which are not interrupted vertically. These parts are caught in the fire only at the end, and unburned combustible matter in these places indicates that the fire started inside the vehicle cabin. |