Combination of theoretical and experimental approaches for the design and study of fibril-forming peptides

Autor: Tamamis, Phanourios, Kasotakis, E., Archontis, Georgios Z., Mitraki, A.
Přispěvatelé: Archontis, Georgios Z. [0000-0002-7750-8641], Tamamis, Phanourios [0000-0002-3342-2651]
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Methods in Molecular Biology
Methods Mol. Biol.
Popis: Self-assembling peptides that can form supramolecular structures such as fibrils, ribbons, and nanotubes are of particular interest to modern bionanotechnology and materials science. Their ability to form biocompatible nanostructures under mild conditions through non-covalent interactions offers a big biofabrication advantage. Structural motifs extracted from natural proteins are an important source of inspiration for the rational design of such peptides. Examples include designer self-assembling peptides that correspond to natural coiled-coil motifs, amyloid-forming proteins, and natural fibrous proteins. In this chapter, we focus on the exploitation of structural information from beta-structured natural fibers. We review a case study of short peptides that correspond to sequences from the adenovirus fiber shaft. We describe both theoretical methods for the study of their self-assembly potential and basic experimental protocols for the assessment of fibril-forming assembly. © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014. 1216 53 70 Cited By :4
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