Hemijski sastav etarskog ulja plodova slatkog i gorkog komorača iz Srbije

Autor: Aćimović, Milica, Kostadinović, Ljiljana, Stanković, Jovana, Cvetković, Mirjana, Filipović, Vladimir M.
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Lekovite sirovine
Popis: Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) is aromatic plant from Apiaceae family. There are two types that have commercial importance, sweet fennel Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce, and bitter fennel - Foeniculum vulgare var. vulgare. The aim of this study was to examine the quality of essential oil of the fruits of these two varieties. Plants were grown in the experimental field in Mošorin for two years and from the produced fruits, essential oil was obtained by hydrodistillation method according to Clevenger apparatus, while the essential oil components were determined through GC/MS.Sweet fennel (variety 'Fino', Austrosaat AG, Austria) and bitter fennel (variety 'Vojvođanski', Dr Josif Pančić, Serbia) grown in Serbia, as most abundant compound of the essential oil had trans-anethole. In the var. dulceits part was from 77.2-80.0%, while the content of methyl-chavicol was 2.2- 2.7 %, and fenchone 3.9-5.1%. The var. vulgarehad 61.1-67.1 % trans-anethole and fenchone 22.6-26.6 % depended on the year. Komorač (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) je aromatična biljka iz familije Apiaceae. Postoje dva varijeteta od komercijalnog značaja: slatki komorač Foeniculum vulgare Mill. subsp. vulgare var. dulce (Mill.) i gorki komorač - Foeniculum vulgare Mill. subsp. vulgare var. vulgare. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita kvalitet etarskog ulja plodovaova dva varijeteta. Biljke su gajene na oglednom polju u Mošorinu tokom dve godine, a iz dobijenih plodova etarsko ulje je dobijeno postupkom hidrodestilacije na aparaturi po Clevenger-u, a određivanje komponenata atarskog ulja putem GC/MS.Slatki komorač (sorta 'Fino', Austrosaat AG, Austrija) i gorki komorač (sorta 'Vojvođanski', Dr Josif Pančić, Srbija) u etarskom ulju kao najzastupljeniju komponentu je imali su trans-anetol. U varijetetu dulce njegov udeo je bio od 77,2 - 80,0 %, dok je sadržaj metil kavikola bio 2,2-2,7 %, a fenhona 3,9 - 5,1 %. Varijetet vulgare je imao 61,1 - 67,1 % trans-anetola a fenhona 22,6-26,6 % u zavisnosti od godine.
Databáze: OpenAIRE