Reconstruction of central city zones case studies of cities of Leipzig and Dresden

Autor: Danilović Hristić, Nataša, Gligorijević, Žaklina, Stefanović, Nebojša
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Arhitektura i urbanizam
Popis: Contemporary principles of urban renewal and reconstruction highlight the necessity for a comprehensive approach, and when it comes to the treatment of cultural and historical heritage and architectural legacy, use the term 'retention' which refers to the power of memory keeping and extension of persistence. The authors focus in the paper on the segment of the physical reconstruction of the city core, which is especially important in areas that have suffered some form of discontinuity in the development, sometimes as a result of the historical flow of events, war or natural disaster. The specificity of the German cities is the combination of layers of different periods, cultural heritage that 'survived' the war destruction, renewed structures, more or less according to the originals and reconstructed parts of the urban tissue, in the style of contemporary epochs and trends. Examples of urban renewal and reconstruction of cities Leipzig and Dresden provide insight into which way the process can take place, and give a visualization what can be accomplished: concerning the models ofurban renewal and relationship with the physical improvement of historic heritage, recycling of brownfields, new use and treatment of public spaces, interpolation of contemporary architecture in a historical context, reconstruction in original form or in the spirit of the context, a change oflanduse or the redesign of the architecture and urban development concepts from the previous era. One of the important conclusions, is how we treat urban and architectural heritage, no matter from which period dates, because a content and the beauty of the city is composed of visible layers set in dialogue, as a testimony of duration, lifestyle and adaptability and essential for the identity. Savremeni principi urbane obnove i rekonstrukcije ističu potrebu za sveobuhvatnim pristupom, a kada je reč o tretmanu kulturno-istorijskog nasleđa i arhitektonske baštine, koristi se pojam retention, koji se odnosi na moć zadržavanja pamćenja i produžetak trajanja. Autori rada fokusiraju se na segment fizičke obnove gradskog jezgra, što je posebno značajno u sredinama koje su pretrpele neki vid diskontinuiteta u razvoju, koji je često posledica istorijskog toka događaja, ratnih razaranja ili prirodnih katastrofa. Specifičnost gradova Nemačke čini kombinacija slojeva različitih istorijskih perioda: kulturno nasleđe koje je 'preživelo' ratna razaranja, objekti, u većoj ili manjoj meri, obnovljeni po uzoru na originale i potpuno rekonstruisani delovi gradskog tkiva, u stilu savremene epohe i trendova. Primeri urbane obnove i rekonstrukcije Lajpciga i Drezdena pokazuju u kom pravcu se proces može odvijati, kao i šta se može postići, a u njima se ističu: upotreba urbane reciklaže, interpolacija savremene arhitekture u istorijski kontekst, rekonstrukcija objekata u izvornom obliku ili u duhu ambijenta, ali sa promenom namene, kao i redizajn arhitekture i urbanističkog koncepta iz prethodne epohe.
Databáze: OpenAIRE