Autor: Pale, Domagoj
Přispěvatelé: Fraculj, Mario
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: Rad sadrži analizu influencer marketinga u svijetu i Hrvatskoj te je uz pomoć marketinških stručnjaka i domaćih influencera prikazano kako on izgleda u praksi, iz perspektive influencera i oglašivača. Pokazalo se da influencer marketing u Hrvatskoj raste onako kao i u svijetu, iako kod nas budžeti i povjerenje prema influencerima ipak nisu na razini kao na najrazvijenijim tržištima. Također, u ovom radu opisano je što influencer marketing zapravo jest, kako se uklapa u marketinške strategije tvrtki, kako je započeo te koji su njegovi pravni i etički aspekti. Influencer marketing je u svijetu još uvijek relativno slabo reguliran, a isto vrijedi i za Hrvatsku. U praktičnom dijelu rada prezentirane su studije slučaja, anketa i intervju. Studija slučaja je provedena na primjeru domaće marketinške kampanje, anketa je provedena na uzorku od 23 domaće tvrtke i ispituje kakav je stav tvrtki prema influencer marketingu, a intervjui su odrađeni sa predstavnicom domaće tvrtke koja u svojim kampanjama koristi influencere i sa domaćim influencerom. This paper contains an analysis of influencer marketing on a global scale and in Croatia. With the help of marketing experts and Croatian influencers, it has been researched what influencer marketing looks like in practice, from the perspective of both influencers and advertisers. It has been noted that influencer marketing is experiencing growth in Croatia as it does globally, even though budgets are not as high here as they are in more developed markets. Also, this paper describes what influencer marketing really is, how it fits into companies' marketing strategies, how it started and what its legal and ethical aspects are. Influencer marketing still isn't strictly regulated globally, and the same goes for Croatia as well. In this paper, there is also a case study, a poll and an interview. The case study was conducted on an example of a marketing campaign carried out in Croatia, the poll had a sample of 23 domestic companies and its goal was to discover how domestic companies feel about influencer marketing, and interviews were conducted with a representative of a domestic company that uses influencers in its marketing campaigns and with a domestic influencer.
Databáze: OpenAIRE