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Zakonodavni okvir oglašavanja i tržišnog komuniciranja u Republici Hrvatskoj prenormiran je pa je zbog toga vrlo teško provoditi nadzor i kontrolu tržišnog komuniciranja i oglašavanja. Brz razvoj novih tehnologija dodatno je doveo do neusklađenosti zakona i prakse. Kako bi se uz regulativu primjenjivali i najviši etički standardi, pojavila se samoregulacija, a kao samoregulacijski mehanizam u Hrvatskoj djeluje Hrvatska udruga društava za tržišno komuniciranje - HURA. U sklopu HURA-e djeluje Sud časti kao etičko tijelo koji zaprima prigovore o možebitnoj povredi Kodeksa oglašavanja i tržišnog komuniciranja HURA-e te potom utvrđuje postoje li koje povrede. Danas u praksi tržišnih komunikacija postoje mnogi etički problemi, među kojima su najčešći zavaravajuće, prikriveno i usporedno oglašavanje, oglašavanje ranjivim skupinama, korištenje kontroverznih poruka, stvaranje stereotipa, povrede intelektualnog vlasništva i ostale moralno dvojbene metode i postupci. Analiza svih zapisnika Suda časti Hrvatske udruge društava za tržišno komuniciranje, od 18.03.2008. godine do 16.01.2019. godine pokazuje da je ukupno 88 puta prekršena neka od odredbi Kodeksa HURA-e. Najviše je puta prekršen članak 5. prema kojem bi tržišno komuniciranje trebalo biti istinito i ne navoditi na krive zaključke. Za usporedbu, u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama djeluje tijelo zaduženo za kontrolu tržišnog komuniciranja pod imenom Savezna trgovinska komisija (Federal Trade Commission, skraćeno FTC. Osnovano je 1914. godine, a glavni su mu ciljevi zaštita potrošača i poticanje konkurentnosti. Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo ima jedan od najboljih sustava samoregulacije na svijetu. Tamo djeluje nezavisna organizacija The Advertising Standards Authority, skraćeno ASA, koja kontrolira oglašavanje. Ciljevi su joj da oglašavanje bude pošteno i u skladu s moralnim načelima. Usporedbom HURA-e i britanske ASA-e primjećujemo kako je samoregulacija u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu efikasnija te bolje uređena nego u Republici Hrvatskoj. U Republici Hrvatskoj je potrebno bolje uređenje i regulative s ciljem smanjenja prevelikog broja odredbi. Oglašivači bi svakako trebali slijediti svu zakonsku regulativu te samoregulacijske kodekse kako bi oglašavanje bilo pošteno, etično, istinito te kako ne bi ni na koji način štetilo cijeloj zajednici. The regulatory system in the Republic of Croatia has too many laws governing advertising and market communications. Because of it, it is very hard to control if advertising and market communications respect the law. Rapid growth of new technologies has led to even greater gap between the law and practice. To ensure that the existing laws respect ethical standards, self-regulation was created. Croatian self-regulatory organization is called The Croatian Association of Communications Agencies, abbreviated HURA. Within the Croatian Association of Communications Agencies there is Sud časti which receives complaints about possible breaches of its HURA Code. After the complaints are received, Sud časti checks if any part of the Code was breached. There are many ethical problems in market communications today. The most common ones are: misleading advertising, covert advertising, comparative advertising, advertising targeting vulnerable groups, using controversial messages, promoting stereotypes, stealing copyrighted work etc. The analysis of all rulings held by Sud časti in the period from 18th of March 2008 to 16th of January 2019 shows that there were 88 times when HURA's Code was breached. The most breached was the fifth article, which states that market communications must be truthful and must not lead to wrong conclusions. In comparison, in the United States there is a federal agency called Federal Trade Commission, which was formed in 1914. Its two main goals are to protect consumers and to promote competition. The United Kingdom has one of the best self-regulatory systems in the world. The UK has an independent organization called The Advertising Standards Authority, abbreviated ASA, which controls the advertising in the UK. Its main goals are that advertising is ethical and fair for the consumers. After comparing HURA and ASA we can conclude that the self-regulatory system in The United Kingdom is better and more efficient than the one in The Republic of Croatia. Better regulatory system is needed in the Republic of Croatia. Croatia needs to reduce the number of existing laws governing advertising and market communications. Advertisers should create ads that are in accordance with the existing laws and regulations. They should also follow self-regulatory Codes to create honest and fair advertisements that would not harm anybody in any way. |