Secondary traumatic stress in helping professions
Autor: | Lasić, Mate |
Přispěvatelé: | Kletečki Radović, Marijana, Družić Ljubotina, Olja, Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda |
Jazyk: | chorvatština |
Rok vydání: | 2020 |
Předmět: | |
Popis: | Kroz rad se proučavaju fenomeni vezani uz profesionalni stres u pomagačkim profesijama s naglaskom na posrednu traumatizaciju. Analizom relevantne literature pronađene su vrste stresa i negativnih pojava vezanih uz pomagačke profesije kao i načini njihovog nastajanja i prevencije. Opisuju se uzroci profesionalnog stresa, zamor suosjećanja, sindrom sagorijevanja na poslu, vikarijska trauma, traumatski kontratransfer, posttraumatski stresni poremećaj i posredna traumatizacija te se objašnjavaju razlike između tih pojmova. Cilj rada je opisati fenomen posredne traumatizacije, načine na koji nastaje i posljedice koje ostavlja na pomagača te opisati rizične i zaštitne čimbenike koji mogu pogodovati nastanku ili prevenirati posrednu traumatizaciju. Načini sprječavanja nastajanja posredne traumatizacije i drugih fenomena su: dobra organizacijska struktura, socijalna podrška, supervizija, dobri programi edukacije, viša razina obrazovanja kao i visoka sposobnost prepoznavanja vlastitih emocija kako bi empatija postala zaštitni čimbenik, a ne čimbenik rizika. Through this paper, the phenomena related to occupational stress in helping professions are studied with an emphasis on secondary traumatic stress. The analysis of the relevant literature revealed the types of stress and negative phenomena related to the helping professions, as well as the ways in which they appear and how to prevent them. The causes of occupationall stress, compassion fatigue, burnout syndrome, vicarious trauma, traumatic countertransference, posttraumatic stress disorder, and secondary traumatic stress are described, and the differences between these terms are explained. The aim of this paper is to describe the phenomenon of secondary traumatic stress, the ways in which it occurs and the consequences it leaves on the helper, and to describe the risk and protective factors that may favor the occurrence or prevent secondary traumatic stress. Ways to prevent the occurrence of secondary traumatic stress and other phenomena are: good organizational structure, social support, supervision, good education programs, higher level of education and a high ability to recognize own emotions so that empathy becomes a protective factor, not a risk factor. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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