Additional actions in a limited liability company

Autor: Anđić, Ivan
Přispěvatelé: Markovinović, Hrvoje, Miladin, Petar, Bilić, Antun
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Temeljnu obvezu članova društva s ograničenom odgovornošću čini uplata uloga u društvo, a osim toga se članovi mogu obvezati i na ispunjenje dodatnih činidbi. Dodatne činidbe mogu se definirati kao dodatne uplate novca ili ispunjenje drugih činidbi koje imaju imovinsku vrijednost, a na koje su se , pored uplate uloga, obvezali članovi društva društvenim ugovorom, a koje ne utječu na povećanje temeljnog kapitala društva. Potrebno je naglasiti kako su dodatne činidbe obveza članova društva s ograničenom odgovornošću jedino ako ih se ugovori u društvenom ugovoru. Prema zakonu o trgovačkim društvima postoje dodatne činidbe koje se sastoje od uplate novaca te druge činidbe koje imaju određenu imovinsku vrijednost. Dodatne činidbe u vidu uplata u novcu predstavljaju dodatni doprinos članova društva na koji su obvezani društvenim ugovorom uz obvezu uplate temeljnog uloga. Pod dodatne nenovčane činidbe svrstavamo one činidbe na koje se obvezuju jedan ili više članova a koje, iako se ne sastoje u isplati novca, imaju imovinsku vrijednost. Dodatne činidbe ne povećavaju temeljni kapital društva, nego se unose u rezerve kapitala koje predstavljaju vlastiti izvor financiranja društva koji nastaje dodatnim novčanim uplatama članova. Kod sklapanja društvenog ugovora potrebna je suglasnost svih članova kako bi se preuzela obveza na dodatne činidbe. Ukoliko će se članovi kasnijim izmjenama društvenog ugovora obvezati na dodatne činidbe, potrebno je najmanje tri četvrtine glasova kako bi se donijela odluka o izmjeni društvenog ugovora kao i suglasnost onog člana koji će preuzeti tu obvezu. O vremenu dospijevanja obveze ispunjenja dodatnih činidbi odlučivati će sami članovi društvenim ugovorom. Na člana koji ne ispuni obvezu u očekivanom vremenu primjenjivat će se odredbe o zakašnjenju uplate uloga. Tada bi prednik člana odgovarao do onog iznosa obveze u vrijeme kada se u knjigu poslovnih udjela podnijela prijava za njegov izlazak iz društva. Ako obveza dodatne uplate novca nije unaprijed određena iznosom, visina obveze može biti iznad očekivanja člana društva. Način na koji se član, koji je u cijelosti uplatio ulog u društvo, oslobađa obveze na dodatne uplate novca je da svoj poslovni udio stavi društvu na raspolaganje i to u roku mjesec dana od kada se od njega zahtijevalo takvo plaćanje. Uz ispunjenje dodatnih činidbi, drugi od načina za prestanak dodatnih činidbi jest izmjena društvenog ugovora, oslobođenje člana od te obveze od strane društva, član može istupiti iz društva te se na taj način osloboditi dodatnih činidbi ili uz opravdan razlog biti isključen iz društva. Poslovni udio je moguće prenijeti a ukoliko su uz poslovni udio povezane i dodatne činidbe, tada će na stjecatelja prijeći i te obveze, ali samo ako nisu osobne naravi te je za prijenos takvog udjela uz koji je povezana i obveza dodatne činidbe pribavljena suglasnost društva. Postoji mogućnost da se donese odluka o povratu dodatnih uplata što su ih članovi izvršili a donošenje takve odluke je u isključivoj nadležnosti skupštine. I u Hrvatskom i u Njemačkom pravu, govoreći o dodatnim činidbama, postoje slični instituti koji obuhvaćaju materiju koja je komplementarna.
The basic obligation of members of a limited liability company is the payment of contributions to the company, and in addition, members can also commit to the fulfillment of additional actions. Additional actions can be defined as additional payments of money or the fulfillment of other actions that have a asset value, which, in addition to the payment of contributions, the members of the company have committed to by the social contract, and which do not affect the increase of the company's share capital. It should be emphasized that additional actions are obligations of the members of the limited liability company only if they are agreed upon in the social contract. According to the company law, there are additional actions that consist of the payment of money and other actions that have a certain asset value. Additional actions in the form of money payments represent an additional contribution of company members to which they are bound by the social contract in addition to the obligation to pay the basic contribution. Under additional non-monetary actions, we classify those actions to which one or more members commit themselves and which, although they do not consist in the payment of money, have a asset value. Additional actions do not increase the company's share capital, but are entered into the capital reserves, which represent the company's own source of financing, which is created by additional money payments from members. When concluding a social contract, the consent of all members is required in order to undertake additional actions. If the members commit themselves to additional actions through subsequent amendments to the social contract, at least three-quarters of the votes are required to make a decision on the amendment of the social contract, as well as the consent of the member who will assume this obligation. The members themselves will decide on the due date of the obligation to fulfill additional actions through the social contract. The provisions on the late payment of contributions will be applied to the member who does not fulfill the obligation in the expected time. Then the member's ancestor would be liable up to the amount of the obligation at the time when the application for his exit from the company was submitted to the book of business shares. If the obligation to pay additional money is not determined in advance, the amount of the obligation may exceed the expectations of the company member. The way in which a member, who has fully paid the contribution to the company, is released from the obligation to make additional payments of money is to make his business share available to the company within one month from when such payment was required from him. In addition to the fulfillment of additional actions, the other way to stop additional actions is to amend the social contract, release the member from this obligation by the company, the member can withdraw from the company and thereby be freed from additional actions or be expelled from the company for a justified reason. A business share can be transferred, and if additional actions are connected to the business share, then those obligations will also be transferred to the acquirer, but only if they are not of a personal nature and the company's consent has been obtained for the transfer of such a share to which the obligation of additional actions is connected. There is a possibility to make a decision on the return of additional payments made by the members, and making such a decision is within the exclusive competence of the assembly. In both Croatian and German law, when talking about additional actions, there are similar institutes that include matter that is complementary.
Databáze: OpenAIRE