Locating lightning strikes on the railway network

Autor: Matulić, Igor
Přispěvatelé: Milardić, Viktor
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: Sustavi za lociranje munja danas su suvremeno sredstvo za praćenje atmosferskih pražnjenja i imaju široku primjenu u mrežama i sustavima koji se prostiru na velikim područjima kao što su elektroenergetske mreže, telekomunikacijske (TK) mreže, mreže RTV odašiljača, mreže produktovoda (naftovoda, plinovoda), obrambene instalacije, meteorološki servisi, sustavi za zaštitu od šumskih požara, prometna infrastruktura i drugo. U ovom radu dan je pregled informacija za nekoliko takvih sustava, kao što su EUCLID, LINET, NLDN, JLDN, te su opisane mjerne metode kojima se lociraju udari munje. Posebno je razmotrena mogućnost korištenja sustava LINET na prugama Republike Hrvatske pri čemu su u poglavlju 5. dani podaci o željezničkim infrastrukturnim podsustavima, podaci o pogonskim događajima na postrojenjima HŽ Infrastrukture za period od 2011 do 2016. godine, te primjena GIS sustava na HŽ Infrastrukturi. Mapiranjem pruga HŽ Infrastrukture te povezivanjem tih podataka sa informacijama o udaru munje dobiva se vrlo upotrebljiv i efikasan alat za prikaz i analizu događaja vezanih uz pojavu atmosferskih pražnjenja, odnosno dobiva se odličan alat koji može obaviti niz preventivnih radnji te tako povećati efikasnost i pouzdanost željezničkog prometa. Zaključno su dane prednosti primjene jednog takvog sustava u procesu nadzora i upravljanja željezničkim podsustavima na prugama Republike Hrvatske u Centrima daljinskog upravljanja (CDU) Rijeka, Vinkovci i Zagreb, te budućim Nadzornim operativnim centrima za informatiku i željezničke infrastrukturne podsustave SS i TK . Lightning location systems are today a modern tool for tracking atmospheric discharge and they have a wide application in networks and systems which extend to large areas such as power networks, telecommunication (TK) networks, RTV transmitters networks, product pipelines networks (oil pipeline, gas pipeline), defensive installations, meteorological services, forest fire protection systems, traffic infrastructure and other. This paper provides an overview of information for several of those systems, such as EUCLID, LINET, NLDN, JLDN, and measuring methodes with which are lightning strikes located are described. Special attention was given to the possibility of using the LINET system on railways of the Republic of Croatia where data on railway infrastructure subsystems, data on operational events on HŽ Infrastruktrura plants for the period from 2011. to 2016. and application of GIS system on HŽ Infrastruktura are given in chapter 5. By mapping HŽ Infrastruktura railways and connecting those data with lightning strike information, a very useful and efficient tool for displaying and analyzing events related to the occurence of atmospheric discharge is obtained, i.e. an excellent tool is obtained which can perform a series of preventive actions and in that way increase the efficiency and reliability of the railway traffic. In conclusion, the advantages of applying such a system in the process of supervision and management of railway subsystems on the railways of the Republic of Croatia in the Remote Control Centres (CDU) Rijeka, Vinkovci and Zagreb and future Supervisory operational centres for IT and railway infrastructure SS and TK subsystems are given.
Databáze: OpenAIRE