Construction and analysis of Croatian power system model and ancillary services using Plexos software package

Autor: Višić, Ante
Přispěvatelé: Tomšić, Željko
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2016
Popis: Izrada i analiza modela elektroenergetskog sustava Republike Hrvatske i pomoćnih usluga korištenjem programskog paketa Plexos Pomoćne usluge koriste operatori mreže za propisano i uredno vođenje sustava u interkonekciji, unutar regulacijskog bloka odnosno regulacijskog područja. Pomoćne usluge trebaju biti raspoložive trajno, a aktiviraju se za potrebe vođenja sustava u redovnim i izvanrednim pogonskim stanjima prijenosne mreže. Osiguranje pružanja pomoćnih usluga u sustavu RH danas se temelji na ugovornim odnosima Operatora prijenosnog sustava RH (HOPS d.o.o.) i jednog, mandatornog pružatelja usluga na teritoriju RH (HEP-Proizvodnja). Na pomoćne usluge utječe količina instaliranih obnovljivih izvora energije. U Hrvatskoj najveći udio zauzimaju vjetroelektrane i one imaju najveći utjecaj. U modelu koji je modeliran u plexosu se vidi dostupnost pomoćnih usluga, razlika modela dan unaprijed i realno vrijeme i utjecaj vjetroelektrana na pomoćne usluge. Construction and analysis of Croatian power system model and ancillary services using Plexos software package Ancillary services are used by network operators for regulated and orderly conduct ofinterconnected system within the controlled block or controlled area. Ancillary services need to be permanently avilable and are activated in the need of operating power system in regular and abnormal operating conditions of transmission network. Provision of ancillary services in the Republic of Croatia are ensured by and based on contractual relationships of TSO RH (HOPS Ltd.) and one mandatory provider in the territory of the Republic of Croatia (HEP Generation). Ancillary services are affected by the amount of installed renewable energy capacities. In Croatia, the largest share of renewable capacities are in wind power and they have the greatest impact. Power system model that was created in sfotware PLEXOS shows the availability of support services, differences between day-ahead and real time models and the impact of wind power plants on ancillary services.
Databáze: OpenAIRE