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Usmjeravanje vozila često je prisutan element mnogih industrija pa tako i morskih luka. Ovaj problem predstavlja ogroman logistički izazov zbog velike količine robe koja se mora prevesti. Kvalitetno rješenje navedenog problema može rezultirati velikom uštedom sredstava. Postoje različiti pristupi rješavanju ovog problema, no i dalje je ovo česta tema istraživanja zbog rastuće složenosti uzrokovane povećanjem industrija. Evolucijski algoritmi igraju veliku ulogu u ovom području jer nude obećavajuće rezultate. Međutim, i dalje ima puno prostora za poboljšanja i istraživanje novih, efektivnijih metoda. Ovaj rad opisuje problem usmjeravanja vozila u morskim lukama i predlaže prikladan evolucijski algoritam koji nastoji kreirati optimalan skup ruta za vozila. Opisana je korištena metoda te analizirani rezultati u usporedbi s relevantnim suvremenim pristupima. Vehicle routing is an often present element of many industries, including seaports. This problem presents a huge logistical challenge due to the large amount of goods that have to be transported. A high-quality solution to the above-mentioned problem can result in a large saving of funds. There are different approaches to solving this problem, but it is still a frequent topic of research due to the growing complexity caused by the increasing demands of industries. Evolutionary algorithms play a major role in this field as they offer promising results. However, there is still a lot of room for improvement and research into new, more effective methods. This paper describes the vehicle routing problem in seaports and proposes a suitable evolutionary algorithm that seeks to create an optimal set of vehicle routes. The method used is described and the results analyzed in comparison with relevant modern approaches. |