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Diplomski rad opisuje postupak ispravnog dimenzioniranja uzemljivača transformatorske stanice na temelju proračuna jednopolnog kratkog spoja. U radu je prvo teorijski obrađen pojam kratkog spoja, njegove vrste, karakteristične veličine, raspodjelu i utjecaj. Drugi dio rada obrađuje problem uzemljenja rasklopnih postrojenja. Objašnjeni su temeljni pojmovi vezani uz uzemljenje: napon dodira, specifični otpor tla, uzemljivački sustavi i otpor uzemljenja. Kao proračunski dio koji objedinjuje i potvrđuje teorijske dijelove rada napravljena je simulacija dimenzioniranja uzemljivačkog sustava jedne transformatorske stanice. Na trafostanici u stvarnoj elektroenergetskoj mreži u programu ETAP napravljen je proračun jednopolnog kratkog spoja, određena je specifična otpornost tla, vrsta i materijal uzemljivača. S tim podatcima dimenzioniran je ispravan uzemljivački sustav koji ispunjava sigurnosne zahtjeve. The Master's thesis describes the procedure of correct dimensioning of the transformer station earthing switch based on the calculation of a single-pole short circuit. The thesis first theoretically deals with the concept of short circuit, its type, characteristic size, distribution and influence. The second part of the paper deals with the problem of earthing of switchyards. The basic concepts related to earthing are explained: contact voltage, specific soil resistance, earthing systems and earthing resistance. As a calculation part that unites and confirms the theoretical parts of the work, a simulation of the sizing of the earthing system of one transformer station was made. At the substation in the actual electric power network, a calculation of a single-pole short circuit was made in the ETAP program, and the specific resistance of the soil, type and material of the grounding device were determined. With this information, the correct earthing system that meets the safety requirements is dimensioned. |