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U radu su opisane ideja i postupak detekcije i praćenja nogometnih igrača u videozapisu nogometne utakmice. Pokazana je primjena i potreba za programom takve vrste. Opisan je algoritam Mask R-CNN korišten za detekciju igrača u videozapisu. Opisan je i algoritam SORT, koji se sastoji od kombinacije algoritama Kalmanovog filtra i Mađarskog algoritma, koji je korišten za praćenje kretanja igrača u videozapisu. Prikazani su rezultati rada aplikacije te su dane smjernice za moguća daljnja poboljšanja. This paper describes an idea and process of development of detection and tracking of football players based on a video match sequence. The use and the need of such application is described. Mask R-CNN algorithm is described and used for detection of footballers in a video match sequence. SORT algorithm, which is a combination of Kalman filter and Hungarian algorithm, is described and used for players tracking in a video match sequence. Finally, the results were presented and a guidance for possible future improvements of the application. |