Classification of Similar Products Based on Size

Autor: Juričić, Jan
Přispěvatelé: Lončarić, Sven
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: U ovom radu je objašnjena arhitektura konvolucijske mreže EfficientNet. Opisan je postupak kojim se dobiva osnovna mreža EfficientNet-B0 te metoda složenog skaliranja pomoću koje se generira familija EfficientNet mreža. Također opisan je problem pogoršavanja te arhitektura ResNet mreže, koja uvođenjem rezidualnog preslikavanja rješava spomenuti problem. Nadalje, definiran je fokusni gubitak te je opisana arhitektura RetinaNet detektora. Na kraju je opisan postupak kojim je provedena klasifikacija proizvoda na temelju veličine te su prikazani rezultati. In this paper, the architecture of the convolutional network EfficientNet is explained. The procedure by which the basic network EfficientNet-B0 is obtained and the compound scaling method by which the family of EfficientNet networks is generated are described. The degradation problem and architecture of the ResNet network is also described, which introduces residual mapping to solve the mentioned problem. Furthermore, the focal loss is defined and the architecture of the RetinaNet detector is described. Finally, the procedure used to classify products based on size is described and the results are presented.
Databáze: OpenAIRE