Posttretman u Odgojnom zavodu Turopolje
Autor: | Suljević, Džana |
Přispěvatelé: | Mirosavljević, Anja, Ratkajec Gašević, Gabrijela, Maurović, Ivana |
Jazyk: | chorvatština |
Rok vydání: | 2018 |
Předmět: | |
Popis: | Prema Zakonu o sudovima za mladež (čl. 7.) u Odgojnom zavodu Turopolje izvršava se sudska odgojna mjera upućivanja u odgojni zavod u trajanju od šest mjeseci do tri godine. Zakonskostručni kriteriji izricanja ove odgojne mjere upućuju na to da se radi o visoko ili vrlo visoko rizičnim mladima s izraženim poremećajima u ponašanju i nedovoljnom spremnošću da prihvate odgojne utjecaje.U stranim modelima i programima posttretmana uočljiva je orijentacija na kontinuitet tretmana koji se provodi tijekom života mlade osobe u instituciji, pripreme za izlazak/planiranje izlaska i podrške nakon izlaska iz skrbi, odnosno o „posttretmanu“ se govori kao nastavku brige započete u tretmanu. Jednostavnije rečeno, tretman i posttretman čine cjelinu. Brojni autori (Fagan, 1990; Smit i Laird,1992; Abrams, 2006) o načinu izlaska iz institucije govore kao o ključnoj točci institucionalnog tretmana. Razlog zašto je tome tako s jedne strane pronalaze u činjenici da kod velikog dijela mladih razlozi koji su i doveli do njihovog ulaska u skrb nisu „sanirani“ tijekom boravka u skrbi, a s druge strane, o trenutku izlaska iz skrbi govore kao o razdoblju obilježenom značajnim tranzicijskim stresom. Stoga je svakoj osobi koja napušta instituciju nužan određeni oblik posttretmana kako bi se ublažio tranzicijski stres. Usto, istraživanja pokazuju kako prvih nekoliko mjeseci nakon izlaska iz institucije predstavlja najveći rizik povratka na delinkventno ponašanje. Odnosno, dobri efekti tretmana vrlo se brzo gube u nepovoljnim uvjetima života nakon tretmana ili po povratku u neadekvatno životno okruženje. Posttretman se definira kao aktivnost pomaganja i prihvata mlade osobe nakon tretmana s ciljem razrješavanja specifičnih životnih situacija i okolnosti koje se javljaju pri osamostaljivanju ili ponovnom uključivanju u životnu sredinu, a njegova važnost ogleda se u i u brojnim međunarodnim, ali i hrvatskim dokumentima, preporukama i standardima. Stoga je cilj ovog rada istražiti mišljenja odgajatelja i korisnika u OZ Turopolje o posttretmanu i životu nakon institucije primjenom upitnika. Istraživanje je provedeno na 2018.god. na uzorku od 33 odgajanika i 10 odgajatelja. Istraživanje je provedeno u potpunosti anonimno te se provelo uz obvezno uvažavanje načela svjesnog i pisanog pristanka dobrovoljnog sudionika, danog na temelju odgovarajuće obaviještenosti o svrsi, ciljevima i postupcima istraživanja te načinima zaštite privatnosti podataka, tajnosti i anonimnosti identiteta sudionika, odnosno mogućnosti odustajanja od sudjelovanja u istraživanju maksimalno poštujući etička načela istraživanja, a posebice Etički kodeks istraživanja s djecom. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da se većina korisnika po izlasku iz OZ vraća u svoju obitelj. Nadalje, korisnici najčešće ne znaju kakvu pomoć mogu dobiti, a kao najvažniju ističu materijalnu potporu te pomoć u pronalasku posla. U tom procesu očekuju pomoć od bliskih osoba i obitelji, kao i od stručnih osoba centra za socijalnu skrb. Po povratku u primarnu sredinu korisnici najčešće izražavaju strah od povratka na stara ponašanja i druženja sa starim društvom. Većina odgajanika smatra da bi posttretmanska zaštita trebala biti dobrovoljna dok odgajatelji smatraju da bi ova interventna mjera trebala biti obvezna. Kada je riječ o potrebi naknadne pomoći i brige svima, većina odgajatelja smatra da ona jest potrebna svim korisnicima. Odgajatelji kao i korisnici smatraju da je potrebno uključiti obitelj i djelatnike centra za socijalnu skrb kao nositelje posttretmanske zaštite. Također, odgajatelji smatraju kako su korisnici po povratku u zajednicu u riziku od ponovnog uključivanja u stara društva i vraćanja na stare navike.0 According to the Juvenile Courts Act (Article 7), in Reformatory Turopolje a judicial correctional measure in duration of six months to three years is being executed. The legal-professional criteria for pronouncing this educational measure indicate that it aimed for high or very high risk youth with severe behavioral disabilities and insufficient readiness to accept educational impacts. In foreign models and after-care programs, there is an obvious orientation to the continuity of treatment that is being carried out during the life of a young person in the institution, preparation for going out / planning and support after leaving the treatment/institution. Therfor, after-care, is referred to as the continuation of care initiated in treatment. To be more simple, the treatment and post treatment together make up the whole. Numerous authors (Fagan, 1990; Smit and Laird, 1992; Abrams, 2006) describe the coming out from institution as the key point of institutional treatment. The reason for this, on the one hand, lies in fact that reasons which brought most of the young to institutions weren't sanctioned during the stay , and on the other hand, they say the coming out is marked by a significant transitional stress. Therefore, every person leaving the institution requires a certain form of aftercare to relieve transitional stress. Moreover, research show that the first few months after leaving the institution represent the greatest risk of returning to delinquent behavior. Respectively, positive sides of treatment quickly fade away in unfavorable living conditions after the treatment or upon return to inadequate living environment. Aftercare is defined as the activity of helping and accepting a young person after treatment with the aim of solving specific life situations and circumstances occurring in self-restitution or reintegration in environment, and its relevance is reflected in numerous international, but also Croatian documents, recommendations and standards. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to investigate the opinions of the educators and users in the Reformatory OZ Turopolje about after care and life after the institution using a questionnaire during April and May 2018. The research was conducted on a sample of 33 beneficiare and 10 educators. The research was carried out in full anonymity and with the mandatory observance of the principle of voluntary and written consent of the participants given on the basis of appropriate notification of the purpose, objectives and methods of investigation, and ways of protecting the privacy of the data, the confidentiality and anonymity of the participants' identity. The participant has right to give up from the research respecting the ethical principles of research, and in particular the Code of Ethics for Research with Children. The results of the research have shown that most of the users after leaving the reformatory OZ return to their family. Furthermore, users often do not know what kind of assistance they can get, and as the most important one, they point out material support and help finding a job. In this process, they expect help from close persons and family, as well as from the professional staff of the Social Welfare Center. Returning to the primary environment, users often express fear of returning to old behaviors and socializing with the old company. Most of the youth think that after care protection should be voluntary while educators believe that this intervention measure should be mandatory. When it comes to the need of further assistance and care for everyone, most educators believe that it is necessary for all users. Educators as well as users consider that it is necessary to engage the family and employees of the social welfare center as after care protection holders. Also, educators believe that users upon return to the community are at risk of reengaging in old companies and returning to old habits. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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