Attitudes and perception of employers toward the employment of former inmates

Autor: Vargić, Barbara
Přispěvatelé: Jandrić Nišević, Anita, Mikšaj-Todorović, Ljiljana, Novak, Tihana
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Cilj istraživanja bio je istražiti stavove i percepciju poslodavaca o zapošljavanju bivših zatvorenika. Prvi dio rada obuhvaća teorijsku podlogu percepcije, stavova i njihovog utjecaja na ponašanje te pregled dosadašnjih istraživanja na ovu temu. U drugom djelu rada prikazani su rezultati istraživanja provedenog s poslodavcima u Hrvatskoj. U samom istraživanju sudjelovalo je ukupno N=106 ispitanika. Korištena je metoda online upitnika, a upitnik je sadržavao pitanja vezana uz sociodemografske podatke, pitanja usmjerena na navike i tendencije poslodavaca, pitanja kojima su se istraživali stavovi poslodavaca te, naposljetku, pitanja kojima se proučavala percepcija poslodavaca. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju pokazuju kako samo nešto više od trećine poslodavaca traži na uvid potvrdu o nekažnjavanju, a gotovo četvrtina ispitanih ju uopće nikad ili rijetko pregleda. To nas dovodi do zaključka da značajan dio poslodavaca uopće ne bi znalo da razgovaraju s bivšim zatvorenikom, ukoliko osoba to sama ne bi napomenula. . Samo 17% ispitanika radilo je ili trenutno radi s osobom koja je bila na izdržavanju kazne zatvora, a samo 12,3% poslodavaca zaposlilo je nekada u životu bivšeg zatvorenika. Najveći stupanj slaganja poslodavci su izrazili sa česticama koje predstavljaju opće stavove, odnosno osobne vrijednosti ispitanika. Podaci pokazuju kako poslodavci koji imaju pozitivne stavove, ujedno imaju i pozitivne stavove prema bivšim zatvorenicima Nisu postojale razlike u stavovima poslodavaca obzirom na njihov stupanj obrazovanja i položaj na poslu (šefovi i radnici). Prilikom proučavanja percepcije poslodavaca , utvrđeno je kako poslodavce najviše zabrinjava neodobravanje kolega, ukoliko bi zaposlili bivšeg zatvorenika te osjećaj vlastite krivnje, ako bi se zatvorenik pokazao lošim radnikom.
The main goal of this study was to explore the attitudes and perception of employers towards the employment of former inmates.The first part of the thesis covers theoretical concepts of perception, attitudes and their influence on our behavior and it gives an overview of former research on this topic. The second part of this paper shows the results of this research that was conducted among Croatian employers. The study had a total of N=106 participants. The survey was achieved with an online questionnare and the questionnare consisted of sociodemographic questions, questions that covered habits and tendencies of employers, questions about employers' attitudes and, lastly, questions about the perception of employers. The results of the survey show that only just above one third of participants asks for a document of impunity and one fourth of the participants rarely or never looks at the document, if given. That leads us to the conclusion that a significant portion of employers wouldn't even know they were interviewing a former inmate, if the person wouldn't mention it themselves. Only 17% of participants once worked or are currently working with a former inmate and only 12,3% of employers hired a former inmate once in their life. The biggest agreement amongst the participants was shown within the questions that cover general attitudes or participants' personal values. The data shows that the participants with positive personal values, also have positive attitudes towards ex-offenders. The dana showed there were no differences in the responses of the participants, according to their level of education (lower educated ang higher educated) and their current position at work (bosses and employees). In the regards to the perception of employers, they dana shows that the employers are most worried about the disapproval of their collegues, if they were to hire an ex-offender, and the feeling of responsibility and guilt, if the ex-offender were to prove themselves as a bad worker.
Databáze: OpenAIRE