Quantitative analysis of the impact of tinnitus on activities of daily living of adult and elderly persons

Autor: Kovačević, Sara
Přispěvatelé: Bonetti, Luka, Pribanić, Ljubica, Hrastinski, Iva
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: Cilj ovog rada bio je izvršiti kvantitativnu analizu socio-emocionalnih teškoća i teškoća u obavljanju svakodnevnih aktivnosti koje mogu biti posljedica tinitusa kod odraslih i starijih osoba te ispitivanje njihove moguće povezanosti s demografskim obilježjima sudionika istraživanja i njihovim audiološkim obilježjima. S obzirom na cilj istraživanja, učinjen je prijevod i adaptacija te psihometrijska provjera upitnika Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI), budući da u Hrvatskoj ne postoje validirani instrumenti za samoprocjenu posljedica tinitusa. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 99 osoba, pacijenata jedne kliničke bolnice u Zagrebu, koji su došli na audiometrijsku provjeru sluha u opću otorinolaringološku ambulantu Zavoda za otorinolaringologiju i kirurgiju glave i vrata te su pri audiometrijskom pregledu naveli da osjećaju tinitus. Hrvatska adaptacija THI upitnika (THI-H) pokazala je odličnu pouzdanost (Cronbachova alfa iznosi 0.95) te visok stupanj ponovljivosti rezultata (potvrđen intraklasnim koeficijentom korelacije). Valjanost upitnika ispitana je analizom značajnosti Spearmanovih koeficijenata korelacije između samoprocjene glasnoće i neugode uzrokovane tinitusom i ukupnog rezultata upitnika THI-H i njegovih podskala. Također je analizirana Spearmenova korelacija između ukupnog rezultata upitnika THI-H i rezultata njegovih podskala s rezultatima podskala hrvatske verzije upitnika Depression Anxiety and Stress Scales (DASS-21). Rezultati su pokazali nisku do umjerenu značajnu pozitivnu korelaciju percipirane glasnoće te neugode uzrokovane tinitusom, kao i podskala upitnika DASS-21 s ukupnim rezultatima upitnika THI-H i njegovih podskala. Povezanost tinitusa s demografskim i audiološkim podacima pokazala se niska do nepostojeća. S obzirom na rezultate istraživanja, hrvatska adaptacija THI upitnika pouzdana je i valjana te se može koristiti u kliničke svrhe. Također, rezultati pokazuju složenost utjecaja tinitusa na svakodnevni život te idu u prilog multidisciplinarnom pristupu podrške osobama s tinitusom.
The aim of this study was to perform a quantitative analysis of socio-emotional difficulties and difficulties in performing daily activities that may result from tinnitus in adults and the elderly, and to examine their possible correlation with the demographic characteristics of research participants and their audiological characteristics. The research included translation, adaptation and psychometric verification of the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) questionnaire, since an instrument like that does not exist in Croatia. The study involved 99 patients from a clinical hospital in Zagreb who came for an audiometric hearing test at the general otolaryngology outpatient department of the Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, who indicated that they had tinnitus during an audiometric examination. The Croatian adaptation of the THI questionnaire showed excellent reliability (Cronbach's alpha of 0.95) and a high degree of repeatability of the results (confirmed by Intraclass correlation coefficient). The validity of the questionnaire was examined by analysing the significance of Spearman's correlation coefficients between self-reported loudness and tinnitus discomfort and the overall score of the THI-H questionnaire and its subscales. The Spearmen correlation between the total score of the THI-H questionnaire and the results of its subscales with the results of the subscales of the Croatian version of the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scales (DASS-21) questionnaire was also analysed. The results showed a low-to-moderate significant positive correlation of perceived volume and tinnitus discomfort as well as the DASS-21 questionnaire subscales with the overall scores of the THI-H questionnaire and its subscales. The correlation of tinnitus with demographic and audiological data has been shown to be low and practically insignificant. Considering the results of the research, the Croatian adaptation of the THI questionnaire is reliable and valid and can be used for clinical purposes. Furthermore, the findings demonstrate the complexity of the impact of tinnitus on daily life and encourage a multidisciplinary approach to supporting people with tinnitus
Databáze: OpenAIRE