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GBS je rijetka ali ozbiljna bolest perifernog živčanog sustava. GBS je jedan od najčešćih uzroka akutne mlohave paralize. Od ovog sindroma obolijeva 1 osoba na 100.000 što ju svrstava u rijetke bolesti. Nastaje kao posljedica abnormalne reakcije imunološkog sustava na živčani sustav. Od svih pacijenata koji razviju ovu bolest 60% ih je neposredno prije imalo infektivnu bolest, najčešće respiratornu (rinitis,faringitis) i gastrointestinalnu (enteritis). Neurološkim pregledom se mogu utvrditi tipične karakteristike GBS kao što je gubitak snage ili odsustvo tetivnih refleksa (hiporefleksija, arefleksija). . Prvi simptomi GBS-a su utrnulost,slabost, i bol. Javljaju se prvo simetrično na šakama i stopalima i imaju ascedentni tijek. 25% osoba s GBS razvije slabost dišne muskulature koja vodi do respiratorne insuficjencije. To stanje zahtjeva intubaciju i mehaničku ventilaciju u jedinici intenzivnog liječenja. Dijagnoza se postavlja na temelju anamneze, fizikalnog pregleda, laboratorijske analize likvora i EMNG. Plazmafereza i imunoglobulinska terapija su zasada jedina mogućnost liječenja. Holistički, interdisciplinarni te individualni pristup su od ključne važnosti za ishod liječenja. Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) is a rare serious disease of the peripheral nervous system. GBS is the most common cause of acute flaccid paralysis. This syndrome affects 1 person per 100,000 which puts GBS among the rare diseases. It occurs as a consequence of an abnormal response of the immune system on the nervous system. All of patients who develop this disease, 60 percent of them had an infectious disease; the most common are respiratory (rhinitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia) and gastrointestinal (enteritis). Histopathological examination of the affected axons disease can notice attributes, endoneuronal and perivascular mononuclear cell infiltrates. Neurological examination may determine the typical characteristics of GBS as power loss or absence of tendon reflexes (hyporeflexia, areflexia). The first symptoms of GBS are numbness, weakness and pain. They appear first symmetrically on the hands and feet and they have ascendant stream. Twenty-five percent of people with GBS develop weakness of the respiratory muscles, which leads to respiratory insufficiency. This state requires intubation and mechanical ventilation in the intensive care unit (ICU). Diagnosis is based on history, physical examination, laboratory analyzes of cerebrospinal fluid and EMNG. Plasmapheresis and immunoglobulin therapy are so far is the only treatment option. A holistic, interdisciplinary and individual approach are crucial to the outcome of treatment. |