Physiological Effects in Combat Sports

Autor: Azirovski, Rikardo
Přispěvatelé: Kuvačić, Goran
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Rapidno smanjenje tjelesne mase je pojava koja se opetovano događa u borilačkim sportovima. Pretežno „skidanje kilograma“ u kratkom periodu s velikim postotkom mase, možemo vidjeti u boksu, hrvanju, judu, kick boxingu i ostalim borilačkim sportovima. Primarni razlog radi kojeg su sportaši spremni smanjiti veliki postotak tjelesne mase kako bi nastupili u nižoj težinskoj kategoriji je steći prednost nad protivnikom. Ponekad je to lako, a najčešće teško s lošim rezultatom i negativnim posljedicima po zdravlje sportaša. Veliku ulogu u ovakvom zadanom cilju, imaju treneri koji bi trebali dobro znati odabrati parametre koje će uključiti u trenažni proces, što znači da treneri koji vode sportaše moraju biti stručno osposobljeni i educirani, potrebno je poznavati planiranje, programiranje i kontrolu treninga, sportsku psihologiju i ciljanu prehranu za svakog pojedinog sportaša u određenoj sportskoj disciplini.
Rapid weight loss is a phenomenon that occurs repeatedly in martial arts. Mostly, it occurs in a short period with a large percentage of mass,in boxing, wrestling, judo, kick boxing and other martial arts. The primary reason athletes are willing to reduce a large percentage of their body weight to perform in the lower weight category is to gain an advantage over their opponent. Sometimes this is easy, but most often difficult with poor results and negative health effects. Coaches who should be well aware of the parameters to include in the training process play an important role in this goal, which means that coaches who lead athletes must be professionally trained and educated, they need to know the planning, programming and control of training, sports psychology and target nutrition for each individual athlete in a particular sporting discipline.
Databáze: OpenAIRE