Docetaxel in the treatment of hormone-sensitive prostate cancer

Autor: Jozić, Tea
Přispěvatelé: Omrčen, Tomislav, Glavina Durdov, Merica, Petrić Miše, Branka, Pogorelić, Zenon
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Ciljevi: Primarni cilj diplomskog rada bio je utvrditi postoji li poboljšanje u ukupnom preživljenju (OS) i vremenu do progresije u mCRPC kod bolesnika s primarnim mHSPC liječenih kombiniranom terapijom ADT i docetakselom. Ispitanici i postupci: Retrospektivno su obuhvaćena 73 bolesnika s primarnim mHSPC koji su liječeni kombiniranom terapijom na Klinici za onkologiju i radioterapiju KBC-a Split u razdoblju od travnja 2015. do veljače 2022. godine. Bolesnici su primali ADT (LHRH agonist leuprolin, subkutano, u 3-mjesečnim intervalima) i docetaksel u dozi od 75mg/m2 intravenski otopljen u 250 cm³ 0.9% NaCl u infuziji u trajanju od 1h. Razmak između dva ciklusa docetaksela je bio 21 dan, a primjenjivan je tijekom 6 ciklusa. Premedikacija je uključivala 8 mg deksametazona oralno navečer prije infuzije docetaksela, na sam dan primanja terapije kao i dan poslije uz antiemetike. Naše smo rezultate, odnosno medijan OS i medijan progresije u mCRPC, usporedili s rezultatima pivotalne studije za primjenu docetaksela u ovoj indikaciji, CHAARTED studije. Rezultati: Istraživanjem je pokazano kako je medijan OS bolesnika s mHSPC liječenih kombiniranom terapijom iznosio 58,4 mjeseca (raspon 39-64 mjeseci). Medijan vremena progresije do mCRPC iznosio je 16,2 mjeseca (raspon 12-19 mjeseci). Zaključci: Rezultati naše studije potvrđuju da je kombinacija ADT i docetaksela terapija izbora u bolesnika s primarnim mHSPC.
Objectives: The primary objective of this thesis was to determine whether there is an improvement in overall survival (OS) and time to progression to mCRPC in patients with primary mHSPC treated with combination therapy of ADT and docetaxel. Patients and Methods: 73 patients with primary mHSPC who were treated with combined therapy at the Clinic for Oncology and Radiotherapy of KBC Split in the period from April 2015 to February 2022 participated in this study. Patients received ADT (LHRH agonist leuprolin, subcutaneously, at 3-month intervals) and docetaxel in a dose of 75mg/m2 intravenously diluted in 250 cm³ of 0.9% NaCl in an infusion lasting 1h. The interval between two cycles of docetaxel was 21 days, and it was administered for 6 cycles. Premedication included 8 mg of dexamethasone orally in the evening before the docetaxel infusion, on the same day of therapy as well as the day after with antiemetics. We compared our results, median OS and median progression to mCRPC, with the results of the pivotal study for the use of docetaxel in this indication, the CHAARTED study. Results: The research showed that the median OS of patients with mHSPC treated with combined therapy was 58,4 months (range 39-64 months). Median time to progression to mCRPC was 16,2 months (range 12-19 months). Conclusion: Results of our study confirmed that the combination of ADT and docetaxel is the therapy of choice in patients with primary mHSPC.
Databáze: OpenAIRE