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U ovom radu ispitan je utjecaj mase zeolita NaX na kinetiku sorpcije iona bakra i na utrošak snage suspendiranja u šaržnom reaktoru bez i s razbijalima virova. Eksperimenti su provedeni pojedinačnim korištenjem tri različite mase zeolita NaX veličine čestica 0,063 - 0,090 mm pri minimalnoj brzini vrtnje miješala pri kojoj se postiže stanje potpune suspenzije (N JS ) i konstantnoj temperaturi suspenzije. Korišteno je turbinsko miješalo s ravnim lopaticama (SBT). Kinetička analiza dobivenih eksperimentalnih podataka Weber-Morrisovim i Blanchardovim kinetičkim modelima pokazala je kako Blanchardov model bolje opisuje kinetiku sorpcije iona bakra na zeolitu NaX za sve korištene mase u eksperimentu što pokazuje da se proces odvija u kinetičkom području, odnosno da je ispitivana reakcija drugog reda čija brzina ovisi o masi zeolita, i u sustavu bez i s razbijalima virova. In this paper, the influence of NaX zeolite mass on the kinetics of copper ions sorption and the suspension power consumption, in the unbaffled and baffled batch reactor, was investigated. The experiments were carried out using three different masses of zeolite NaX with a particle size of 0.063 - 0.090 mm at a minimum impeller speed at which the state of complete suspension is achieved (N JS ) and constant suspension temperature. A straight blade turbine impeller (SBT) was used. Kinetic analysis of the obtained experimental data by Weber-Morris and Blanchard kinetic models showed that Blanchard's model better describes the kinetics of copper ions sorption on NaX zeolite for all masses used in the experiment. This shows that the process is reaction controlled and that the reaction is of the second-order, depending on the mass of the zeolite, in the unbaffled and baffled system. |