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U ovom radu prikazana je problematika vezana za prečišćavanje pitke vode primjenom dviju tehnologija obrade vode filtracijom. U teoretskom dijelu rada objašnjene su osnove filtracije vode i procesi koji se događaju tijekom samog prečišćavanja vode, te su prikazani pripadajući standardi s aspekta zamućenja. Posebno su objašnjeni procesi prečišćavanja vode uz proces ultrafiltracije i proces pješčane filtracije. U praktičnom dijelu rada napravljen je proračun sustava filtracije uz pomoć programa „INGE System Design“, izračunat je pad tlaka u cjevovodu, te je izvršen odabir komponenti uz shematski prikaz sustava. Na kraju je izvršen proračun energetskih potreba predloženog sustava za prečišćavanje pitke vode. This paper deals with the topic related to the purification of drinking water using two-way filtration technology for water purification. In the theoretical part of the paper, the basics of water filtration and the processes that occur in the water purification itself are explained, and the standards from the aspect of turbidity are presented. The methods of water purification by the ultrafiltration process and the sand filtration process are especially explained. In the practical part of the work, the calculation of the system is presented by implementing the program "INGE System Design", followed by the estimation of the overall pressure drop in the pipeline. The components of the water purification system are selected while the system is schematically presented. Finally, the energy consumption of the proposed drinking water treatment system wascalculated. |