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U ovom radu provedeno je određivanje svojstava hidratiziranih cementnih kompozita u vodocementnom omjeru (V/C) 0,5 bez dodatka i uz dodatak otpadnog ambalažnog stakla u masenom udjelu od 30%. Ukupno je analizirano 6 uzoraka. Dva uzoraka su sadržavala čisti portland cement (CEM I 42,5R.), te su hidratizirani 7 i 90 dana pri temperaturi od 20 °C. Od preostala četiri uzorka, dva su sadržavala čestice stakla veličine do 45 µm, a dva čestice stakla veličine između 125 i 250 µm. Ti uzorci su također hidratizirani 7 i 90 dana. Nakon hidratizacije provedena je termogravimetrijska analiza. Iz dobivenih rezultata vidljivo je da se dodatkom otpadnog stakla veličine čestica manjih od 45 µm u portland cementnim uzorcima događa pucolanska reakcija između portlandita i reaktivnog SiO 2 iz stakla. Pucolanska reakcija se također događa i u slučaju dodataka čestica stakla veličine između 125 i 250 µm ali u manjoj mjeri. Brzina i početak pucolanske reakcije ovisi o veličini čestica stakla. Dodatkom otpadnog ambalažnog stakla smanjuje se stupanj hidratacije cementa, što je posebno izraženo kod krupnijih frakcija. Properties of hydrated cemet composites, in water – cement ratio (W/C) of 0.5, were determined in this paper. Properties were tested with and without addition of waste contenier glass to the cement composites. The content of added glass was 30% of cement weight. There were 6 tested samples in total. Two of those samples had pure portland cement (CEM I 42,5 R) and they were hydrated for 7 and 90 days at 20 °C. From four remaining samples, two of them had contained waste container glass particles smaller than 45 µm and two of them contained waste container glass with particles between sizes 125-250 µm. Those samples were also hydreted 7 and 90 days at 20 °C. After hydratation, thermogravimetric analysis was conducted. From the obtained data, it can be seen that adding waste container glass particles smaller than 45 µm to portland cement samples triggers the pozzolanic reaction between portlantides and reactive SiO2 from the glass. Moreover, the reaction occurs in a situation when the glass particles, ranging from 125 µm to 250 µm,are added into the cement, only in smaller quantities. The beginning and the rate at which the pozzolanic reaction occurs depends on the size of the glass particles. Furthermore, the addition of waste container glass decreases the level of hydration of the cement, which is highly prominent in large fractions. |