Autor: Vidović, Martina
Přispěvatelé: Titlić, Marina
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: ilj istraživanja Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je objektivizirati terapijski učinak neurofeedback-a na liječenje migrenske glavoboljeu bolesnika s migrenskom glavoboljom u populaciji ambulantno liječenih bolesnika u KBC-u Split. Metode istraživanja Kao instrument istraživanja koristio se anonimni anektni upitnik, strukturiran i modificiran za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Na kraju su se koristila dva standardizirana testa: test za procjenu onesposobljenosti bolesnika s migrenom (MIDAS - Migraine Disability Assessment Test), te upinik o ispitivanju utjecaja glavobolje (HIT-6 : Headache Impact test) koji se koristi za mjerenje utjecaja glavobolje na sposobnost obavljanja zadataka na radnome mjestu/ u školi i u socijalnim situacijama. Rezultati Prosječan broj glavobolja tijekom jednog mjeseca, kod većine ispitanika 11 je 5 do 6 puta, uz najčešće trajanje od 4 do 24 sata, kako navodi 16 ispitanika. Prosječni je intenzitet glavobolje za 10 ispitanika srednje jaka bol, a za 15 ispitanika jaka bol. Dob nije statistički značajan faktor onesposobljenosti migrenama izuzev izostanka iz škole/posla. Povezanost je utvrđena samo za česticu izostanaka s posla/škole zbog glavobolja u zadnja 3 mjeseca (dani) gdje pozitivne vrijednosti koeficijenta korelacije (ro) upućuju na zaključak da je veći broj izostanaka s posla/škole u zadnja 3 mjeseca kod pacijenata sa višim stupnjevima obrazovanja.Nakon provedene terapije je utvrđena statistički značajna razlika samo u čestici smanjenja produktivnosti na poslu/u školi zbog glavobolja u zadnja 3 mjeseca (dani) (p=0,001). Zaključak Testiranjem utjecaja terapije neurofeedbackom na onesposobljenost migrenama utvrđen je statistički značajan pad HIT 6 rezultata, kao i pad vrijednosti kod svih čestica utjecaja migrena na život - MIDAS rezultati. Objectives The aim of this study was to objectify the therapeutic effect of neurofeedback and to treat migraine headaches in patients with migraine with most common types of migrene headaches who are treated at Clinical Hospital Centre Split. Methods As instrument of this research it was used anonymous questionnaire, structured and modified for the purposes of this study.In the end we used two standardized tests: the test for the assessment of disability in patients with migraine (MIDAS - Migraine Disability Assessment Test), and the questionnaire on testing the impact of headache (HIT-6: Headache Impact Test) which is used to measure the impact of headaches on the ability to perform tasks at work / at school and in social situations. Results The average number of headache for a month, the majority of patients 11of them feel it 5 to 6 times, usually with a duration of 4 to 24 hours, according to 16 subjects.The average headache intensity for 10 patients is severe pain, and for 15 of them feelt strong pain.Age is not a statistically significant factorfor disabling migraines except absence from school / work.The connection is established only for particle absences from work / school because of headaches in the last 3 months (days) where the positive values of the correlation coefficient (ro) suggest that the greater the number of absences from work / school in the last 3 months are patients with higher levels of education. After the treatment statistically significant difference is only in the reduction of productivity at work / schoolbecause of headaches in the last 3 months (days) (p = 0.001). Conclusion By testing the impact of neurofeedback therapy on disability migraine there was a statistically significant decrease for HIT 6 results, as well as the fall in value for all particles impact of migraine on life - MIDAS results.
Databáze: OpenAIRE