Preparation and characterization of PEO/ES composite : bachelor thesis

Autor: Lončar, Ivana
Přispěvatelé: Jakić, Miće
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Svrha ovog rada bila je pripremiti uzorke kompozita PEO/ES razliĉitih sastava na laboratorijskom ekstruderu pri ĉemu tijekom ekstrudiranja nije došlo do toplinske razgradnje. Pomoću infracrvene spektroskopije Fourierovom transformacijom istraživan je utjecaj mljevenih ljuskica jaja na strukturu poli(etilen-oksida) i postojanje možebitnih interakcija u kompozitima. Zakljuĉeno je kako dodatak mljevenih ljuskica jaja ne utjeĉe na strukturu PEO-a. Diferencijalna pretražna kalorimetrija primijenjena je kako bi se utvrdio utjecaj dodatka mljevenih ljuskica jaja na toplinska svojstva PEO-a. Dodatak mljevenih ljuskica jaja neznatno utjeĉe na vrijednosti staklišta, dok talište i kristalište PEO-a praktiĉki ostaju nepromijenjeni. Utjecaj dodatka mljevenih ljuskica jaja na toplinsku stabilnost PEO-a istraživana je primjenom termogravimetrijske analize. Može se zakljuĉiti da dodatak mljevenih ljuskica jaja neznatno utjeĉe na povećanje toplinske stabilnosti PEO-a u istraživanim kompozitima. The purpose of this study was to prepare samples of PEO/ES composites of different compositions on the laboratory extruder without thermal degradation. The effect of ground egg shells on the structure of poly(ethylene oxide) and the existence of possible interactions in composites were investigated by Fourier infrared spectroscopy. It was concluded that the addition of ground egg shells does not affect the structure of the PEO. Differential scanning calorimetry was applied to determine the effect of the addition of ground egg shells on the thermal properties of PEO. The addition of ground egg shells slightly affects the values of the glass, while the melting point and crystalization of PEO practically remained unchanged. The influence of the addition of ground egg shells on the termal stability of PEO was investigated using thermogravimetric analysis. It can be concluded that the addition of ground egg shells slightly affects the increase of the thermal stability of PEO in the investigated composites.
Databáze: OpenAIRE