Preliminary Design of Local Road : Undergraduate Thesis

Autor: Pervan, Josip
Přispěvatelé: Breški, Deana
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2016
Popis: Uz pomoć programa za projektiranje cesta CADICS izrađen je idejni projekt lokalne ceste na geodetskoj podlozi prema zadatku iz kolegija Ceste. Cesta je projektirana za godišnji dnevni promet (PGDP) od 950 vozila na dan, na brdovitom terenu. Projektna brzina ceste iznosi 40km/h. Idejno rješenje izrađeno je prema Pravilniku o osnovnim uvjetima za projektiranje ceste s elementima koji zadovoljavaju važeće propise, kao i sigurnosne i estetske kriterije. A preliminary design of local road, on a geodetic basis according to the task from course „Roads“, is made using software for designing roads, CADICS. The road is designed for the annual average daily traffic (AADT) of 950 vehicles per day, on the hilly terrain. Design speed for the road is 40 km/h. Preliminary design of local road was created according to the Regulations on the basic conditions for the design of public roads with the elements that meet the applicable rules, as well as safety and aesthetic criteria.
Databáze: OpenAIRE