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U ovom radu se s teorijskog i empirijskog aspekta analizirao utjecaj institucionalnih investitora, odnosno društava za osiguranje, mirovinskih fondova te investicijskih fondova na gospodarski rast. Analiza se odnosila na zemlje OECD-a i obuhvaćala je razdoblje od 2005. do 2013. godine. Rezultati analize pokazali su da razvijenost institucionalnih investitora pozitivno utječe na gospodarski rast. Statistički značajan utjecaj na gospodarski rast imale su i varijable: razvijenost bankovnog sustava, državna potrošnja, visokoobrazovana radna snaga, te investicije. This paper was analysing effect of institutional investors, apropos insurance companies, pension funds and investment companies on the economic growth with theoretical investigation and empirical research. The analysis included OECD countries in the period from 2005. to 2013. Results of the analysis showed that development of institutional investors has positive effect on economic growth. Statistical significantly effect on the economic growth had the next variables: development of bank system, government expenditure, labour force with tertiary education and investments. |