Regulations for Statutory Examination of Marine Vessels: Pollution Prevention

Autor: Dorić, Jerko
Přispěvatelé: Jelić-Mrčelić, Gorana
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Cilj ovog rada je dati pregled mjera sprječavanja onečišćenja mora s brodova s naglaskom na pravila za statutarnu certifikaciju pomorskih brodova. Brodarstvo je međunarodna industrija i može djelovati učinkovito samo ako su propisi i standardi dogovoreni, usvojeni i implementirani na međunarodnoj razini. Budući da su brodovi značajan izvor onečišćenja morskog okoliša, zaštita mora od onečišćenja s brodova zauzima posebno mjesto u odredbama međunarodnog prava. U tu svrhu je i Međunarodna pomorska organizacija (engl. International Maritime Organisation, IMO) donjela brojne propise i standarde kao i preporučene prakse i postupke primjenjive na plovila svih vrsta (međunarodni sporazumi, kodeksi, preporuke i smjernice). Osim IMO-a, važnu ulogu u borbi protov onečišćenja imaju i klasifikacijska društva. Pod statutarnom cerifikacijom brodova podrazumijevaju se pravila koja se odnose na zaštitu života, imovine i sprječavanje onečišćenja mora s brodova. U završnom je poglavlju prikazana su Pravila za statutarnu certifikaciju pomorskih brodova - sprječavanje onečišćenja (NN 8/2020) Republike Hrvatske. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the measures taken to prevent marine pollution from ships, focusing on the rules for the statutory certification of ocean-going vessels. Shipping is an international industry and can only operate efficiently if regulations and standards are agreed upon, adopted, and implemented internationally. Since ships are a significant source of pollution of the marine environment, the protection of the sea from pollution by ships occupies a special place in the provisions of international law. To this end, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has adopted numerous regulations and standards, as well as recommended practices and procedures, applicable to ships of all types (international conventions, codes, recommendations, and guidelines). In addition to the IMO, classification societies also play an important role in combating pollution. The statutory certification of ships refers to rules for the protection of life and property and the prevention of marine pollution from ships. In the last chapter, the Rules for Statutory Certification of Seagoing Ships - Pollution Prevention (Official Gazette 8/2020) of the Republic of Croatia are presented.
Databáze: OpenAIRE