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Cilj je bio identificirati i objasniti razlike između pobjednika i poraženih elitnih kickboksača te analizirati razlike u pojavnostima primjenjivanih TE-TA struktura u natjecateljskim sezonama u razdoblju od 1995. do 2012. Uzorak se sastojao od mečeva sa završnih eliminacijskih turnira u discipline K-1 za najboljih šesnaest boraca. Prethodno definirani uzorak borbi u disciplini K-1 bio je promatran putem videozapisa te su se po strogo definiranom protokolu evidentirala pojavljivanja definiranih varijabli. Po završetku navedenog postupka frekvencije su bile zapisane u formi prikladnoj za daljnju multivarijatnu analizu. U skladu s ciljem, bile su definirane nestandardne situacijske varijable u kickboxingu te je određena i interpretirana njihova latentna struktura. Nadalje, provedena je strukturalna analiza u elitnom kickboxingu, kao i analiza utjecaja primjenjivanih tehnika i taktika na ishod borbe. Također, pokušalo se definirati model strukturalne efikasnosti vrhunskog natjecatelja kroz godine. Između pobjednika i poraženih boraca detektirane su statistički značajne razlike u korištenju tehnika direkta u glavu stražnjom rukom iz kretanja prema naprijed i stava u mjestu s ponderom 2 (pun pogodak). Negativna korelacija pronađena je u korištenju obrambenih tehnika od udarca nogom u stavu u mjestu i kretanja unatrag te od udarca koljenom iz stava u mjestu. Između pobjednika i poraženih također je utvrđena i statistički značajna razlika u nizovima frekvencija, tzv. serijama, na razini od dvije spojene tehnike u smislu ručne blokade udarca rukom iz stava u mjestu i ručne blokade udarca nogom. Nije pronađen logičan trend promjena korištenja tehnika prema godinama natjecanja kod pobjednika, iako su se povremeno javljale statistički značajne promjene. Sustav tehničko-taktičke strukture moguće je reducirati na manji broj latentnih dimenzija. Iz kretanja prema naprijed plasirano je više udaraca nego iz svih drugih kretanja zajedno, dok je uzajaman postotak uspješnosti pogađanja bio najmanji. The goal was to identify and explain the differences between winners and losers of elite kickboxers and to analyse the differences in the manifestations of applied TE-TA structure during the competitive season 1995 - 2012. The sample consisted of matches held at the K1 final elimination tournament for the top sixteen fighters. Predefined samples of K-1 fights had been examined through the video and appearance of defined variables had been recorded under strictly defined protocol. Subsequently, the frequency was written down in a form suitable for further multivariate analysis. In accordance with the purpose, nonstandard situational variables were defined in kickboxing and their latent structure was determined and interpreted. Furthermore, elite kickboxing structural analysis was conducted and the impact of applied techniques and tactics on the final outcome of the fight was defined. An attempt to define the model of superior competitors’ structural efficiency through the years has also been made. Statistically significant differences were detected when comparing winners and the defeated fighters and their application of straight punch, cross moving forward and cross from stance, with assigned weight in the amount of 2 (full hit). A negative correlation was found comparing the application of defensive techniques when faced with kick from stance and moving backwards and the knee kick from stance. Statistically significant differences when comparing winners and the defeated fighters at the level of two combined techniques, namely hand block from punch in stance and hand block from kick, were also found in terms of array of frequencies, so called series. No logical trend was found in terms of potentially changed patterns in application of techniques for each year the competition was held from the aspect of winners. However, statistically significant changes have occasionally been detected. The overall structure of technical—tactical elements can be reduced to a smaller number of latent variables. Number of punches applied when moving forward exceeds the total number of punches applied from all the other moving directions. |