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U ovom završnom radu je obrađena karakterizacija minerala glina i procjena sitnih čestica u slučaju mekih stijena, prvenstveno u laporima kao sedimentnim stijenama nastalim kao smjesa minerala gline i kalcita u različitim omjerima. Najprije su dane osnovne činjenice o laporima kao vrstama stijena te njihovim glavnim karakteristikama i ponašanju. Nakon toga su obrađene metode za procjenu sitnih čestica u odabranim uzorcima. Metoda uz pomoć metilenskog modrila korištena je za potrebe ovoga završnoga rada u laboratoriju na Fakultetu građevinarstva, arhitekture i geodezije u Splitu. Dane su osnovne teorijske značajke vezano za metode, a norme su korištene za izvođenje pokusa u laboratoriju. Rezultati su prikazani u tekstualnom dijelu, ali i među prilozima u samom završnom radu. Na kraju su opisane mogućnosti primjene ovih metoda. Same metode nisu skupe i nije potrebno puno opreme te zbog toga imaju veliku primjenu. This work deals with the characterization of clay minerals and the assessment of fine particles in the case of soft rocks, primarily in marls as sedimentary rocks formed as a mixture of clay minerals and calcite in different proportions. First, basic facts were given about marls as types of rocks and their main characteristics and behaviour. The methods for the assessment of fines in the selected samples were then processed. The methylene blue method was used for this research in the laboratory at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy in Split. Basic theoretical features related to the methods are given, and the standards were used to perform the experiments in the laboratory. The results are presented in the text part but also among the appendices in this paper. Finally, the possibilities of applying these methods are described. The same methods are not expensive and do not require a lot of equipment and therefore have great application. |