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Sport je dio ljudskih života već tisućama godina. Od samih početaka imao je veliki značaj za stanovništvo te se još od stare Grčke sportaše gledalo s divljenjem. Trebalo je proći godina i godina da bi dobili ovo što danas imamo. Sport, a posebno nogomet je postao nezaobilazna tema svakodnevnih razgovora i života. Nogometni klubovi su postali poput velikih tvrtki koje godišnje imaju ogromne prihode ali i rashode. Zbog svog obujma i kompleksnosti, financiranje nogometnih klubova je postalo pitanje opstanka nogometnih klubova. Pitanje financiranja nogometnih klubova je problem čije bi rješavanje doprinijelo ne samo razvoju nogometa, već i razvoju cijelog gospodarstva. Sport has been a part of human life for thousands of years. From te oldest begginings it had great significance for the populations, and ever since Ancient Greek, people look at athletes with admirations. It took years and years to get what we have today. Sport, especially football, has become an inevitable topic of everyday conversations and life. Football clubs have become the same like big companies that have huge revenues and costs each year. Due to its volume and complexity, the financing of football clubs has become a question of their existence. The issue of financing football clubs is a problem that would have contributed not only to the development of football but also to the development of the entire economy. |