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Svrha ovog rada je ukazati na trenutno stanje grada Sinja te mogućnosti daljnjeg razvoja grada. Grad ima povoljan položaj, ugodnu klimu i obilje vode, što daje mogućnosti za veliki i bolji razvoj. Brojna zbivanja, poglavito Domovinski rat, usporila su razvoj i napredak grada, a veliki problem stvara i nedostatak radnih mjesta, posebno za mlade školovane ljude. Svoj razvoj treba što više temeljiti na razvoju turizma i nastojati poboljšati kvalitetu življenja, kako bi stanovništvo ostalo u gradu. The purpose of this paper is to show the current status of Sinj and the possibility of further development of the city. The city has a convenient location , comfortable climate and abundance of water , which gives the possibility for a large and increasing development. Numerous events , especially War , slowed the development and progress of the city and the big problem is a lack of jobs, especially for young educated people. Its development should be more based on the development of tourism and strive to improve the quality of life , so that the population remained in the city. |