Autor: Perković, Bruno
Přispěvatelé: Šerić, Neven
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Glavna svrha ovog diplomskog rada je objasniti proces provođenja rebrendinga hotela. Jako je malo literature o rebrendingu u hotelijerstvu koja govori o cjelokupnom procesu rebrendinga. Sve veći broj hotelskih brendova žele oživjeti i osvježiti postojeće brendove dok neki žele potpuno novi početak kako bi izgradili pozitivni imidž na tržištu. Ukoliko hotelski brendovi žele opstati na kompetitivnom tržištu, privući ciljane tržišne segmente i dugoročno poslovati, rebrending je nužan alat u upravljanju hotelskim brendom. U radu je predstavljen pojam hotelskog brenda, što čini hotelski brend konkurentnim na globalnom i receptivnom turističkom tržištu te trendovi brendiranja i rebrendinga u hotelijerstvu. Nadalje se govori o integriranom hotelskom proizvodu, hotelskom brendu kao sredstvu promocije integriranog hotelskog proizvoda te samom proces stvaranja hotelskog brenda. Također je teoretski predstavljen pojam rebrendinga u hotelijerstvu te samom proces provedbe rebrendinga hotela. Za empirijski dio diplomskog rada je provedena analiza konkurentnosti hotelskog brenda „Solaris Beach Resort“, predstavljena je vizija i misija novog hotelskog brenda „Amadria Park“, izrađena je SWOT analiza za hotelske brendove „Solaris Beach Resort“ i „Amadria Park“. Proveden je intervju s predstavnikom „Amadria Park“ kako bi se saznalo kako je tekao proces stvaranja novog hotelskog brenda „Amadria Park“. Predstavljeni su rezultati anketnog istraživanja te je na kraju dan kratki osvrt na provedeno istraživanje. Analizom prikupljenih rezultata se zaključuje da većina gostiju preferira brend „Amadria Park“ naspram „Solaris Beach Resort“. Main purpose of this graduate thesis is to explain process of rebranding a hotel brand. There is a scarce amount of literature about rebranding in hotel industry that covers the entire process. More and more hotel brands want to revive and refresh existing hotel brands, while some hotels want a completely new beginning, in order to build a new positive image on the market. If hotel brands want to survive on the competitive market, attract targeted market segments, and have a long life span, rebranding is a necessary tool in managing a hotel brand. The thesis presents the term hotel brand, what makes a hotel brand competitive on global and receptive touristic market and trends in branding and rebranding in hospitality. Furthermore, in this thesis it was talked about integrated hotel product, hotel brand as a promotional tool of integrated hotel product and the entire process of creating a hotel brand. The thesis also presents theoretical aspect of rebranding in hospitality and it presents the entire process of rebranding a hotel brand. For the purpose of writing an empirical part of the thesis, the benchmarking analysis of hotel brand „Solaris Beach Resort“ was conducted, mision and vision of the new hotel brand „Amadria Park“ was introduced and SWOT analysis of hotel brands „Solaris Beach Resort“ and „Amadria Park“ was written. Interview was conducted with the representative of „Amadria Park“ in order to understand and learn how the process of creating the brand „Amadria Park“ was done. Results of survey research were presented and in the end of the empirical research, a short review was given. Analysis of the results indicates that more people prefered their stay in „Amadria Park“ rather than their stay in „Solaris Beach Resort“.
Databáze: OpenAIRE