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Rashlad je obrt koji se bavi proizvodnjom, ugradnjom, održavanjem i servisiranjem industrijskih uređaja u rashladnoj tehnici, uključujući i brodske rashladne sisteme. Posluju s velikim poslovnim kupcima iz cijele regije te im žele ponuditi pristupačnost i profesionalnost. Cilj ovog rada je analizirati pokazatelje uspješnosti obrta Rashlad u razdoblju od 2015. do 2019. godine. Problem rada je utvrditi posluje li obrt uspješno. U radu se koriste financijska izvješća obrta te se analiziraju pomoću pokazatelja uspješnosti (likvidnost, zaduženost, aktivnost, ekonomičnost i profitabilnost). Na kraju je donesen zaključak kako Rashlad posluje likvidno, ekonomično, aktivno i profitabilno bez prevelikih zaduženja što znači da obrt uspješno posluje. Rashlad is a trade that deals with the production, installation, maintenance and servicing of industrial devices in refrigeration technology. They operate with large-scale customers from all over the region. This company offers their customers approachability and reliability. The aim of this paper was to analyze Rashlad’s performance indicators in the period between 2015 and 2019. The indicators at question were indebtedness, performance activity, economy and profitability. The aforementioned analysis was conducted using various financial reports to determine whether the trade has been operating successfully in the same time period. Based on results of those indicators it is determined that the Rashlad company, in the observed period, operated liquidly, economically, actively and profitably without excessive debts. In other words it can be concluded that the company is successful. |