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U radu je obrađena tema neuroendokrinih tumora (NET) i slikovne dijagnostike vezane za dijagnostiku istih, a ponajviše scintigrafija somatostatinskih receptora kao metoda izbora. Neuroendokrini tumori kao heterogena skupina neoplazmi predstavljaju velik izazov u dijagnostici i liječenju. U radu su predstavljene metode dijagnostike neuroendokrinih tumora, a posebna pozornost je posvećena slikovnim medicinskim modalitetima, bilo to klasičnim ili funkcionalnim postupcima dobivanja slike. Na temelju dosadašnjih saznanja, pregledom literature, navedeni su podaci o specifičnosti i osjetljivosti pojedine metode i objašnjeni su postupci dobivanja slike. Nuklearno medicinske pretrage postavljaju se kao imperativ u dijagnostici i praćenju NET-a. Cilj ovog rada je bio utvrditi ulogu scintigrafije somatostatinskih receptora u detekciji neuroendokrinih tumora, njihovom praćenju i procjeni te utvrditi učestalost i razloge obavljanja ove pretrage u KBC-u Split. Za potrebe ovog rada retrospektivno je prikupljena dokumentacija KBC Split, Kliničkog zavoda za nuklearnu medicinu za razdoblje od 1.1.2019. do 31.12.2020. godine, o 152 slučaja obavljene scintigrafije somatostatinskih receptora. Statističkom obradom podataka i tabelarnim i grafičkim strukturama prikazani su podaci o pacijentima prema promatranim obilježjima. U promatranoj skupini veća je zastupljenost muškaraca u odnosu na žene, a srednja vrijednost dobi je 65,50 godina. Trećina obavljenih pretraga spada u kategoriju kontrolnih uz podjednaku učestalost korištenja pretrage za procjenu stadija bolesti kao i za postavljanje dijagnoze. Najčešća lokacija suspektnih lezije prije pretrage je gastrointestinalni trakt (35,53%), a najčešća lokacija patoloških promjena u nalazu pretrage je bila jetra (50,88%). Pri svakoj pretrazi je snimljen i SPECT/CT. Značajna uloga spomenutog pregleda u praćenju već dijagnosticirane bolesti i njegova uloga u procjeni terapije uz pravilno dijagnosticiranje sumnje na neuroendokrini tumor potvrđena je zajedno sa SPECT / CT-om kao nezamjenjiva metoda zbog poboljšanja dijagnostičke točnosti i bolje lokalizacije lezija i diferenciranja između patološkog i fiziološkog ili nespecifičnog unosa radiofarmaka. The paper deals with the topic of neuroendocrine tumors (NET) and imaging diagnostic connections for their diagnosis, especially scintigraphy of somatostatin receptors as a method of choice. Neuroendocrine tumors as a heterogeneous group of neoplasms pose a major challenge in diagnosis and treatment. The paper presents methods for the diagnosis of neuroendocrine tumors, with special attention paid to imaging medical modalities, whether the imaging procedures were classical or functional. Based on previous knowledge and literature review, data on the specifics and sensitivity of individual methods are shown and the procedures for obtaining images are explained. Nuclear medical tests are set as an imperative in the diagnosis and monitoring of NET. The goal of this study was to determine the role of somatostatin receptor scintigraphy in the detection of neuroendocrine tumors, their follow up and disease assessment, and also to determine the frequency and reasons for performing of this diagnostic test in the KBC Split. For the purposes of this paper, the documentation of KBC Split, Institute of Nuclear Medicine was collected retrospectively for the period from 1.1.2019. to 31.12.2020. Collected documentation shows data on 152 cases of performed somatostatin receptor scintigraphy. Statistical data processing and tabular and graphical structures show data on patients according to the observed characteristics. In the observed group, the representation of men is higher compared to women, with a mean age value of 65.50 years. A third of examinations performed were follow up scintigraphy examinations and the frequency of this exam due to disease staging or disease diagnosis was nearly equal. The most common location of the suspected primary lesion was the gastrointestinal tract (35,53%) and the most common location of pathological lesions on exam was the liver (50,88%). SPECT/CT was performed at every case of examination. A significant role of said examination in follow up of already diagnosed disease and its role in assessing therapy along with correctly diagnosing suspected neuroendocrine tumour was confirmed along with SPECT/CT as being an indispensable method due to improving diagnostic accuracy and better localization of lesions and differentiating between pathologic and physiologic or unspecific radiopharmaceutical uptake. |