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Neuromarketing se definira kao simbioza neuroznanosti i marketinga (Kuvačić et al., 2018). Njegova pojava je posljedica težnji otkrivanja novih pristupa oglašavanju obzirom na zasićenost tržišta raznovrsnih ili sličnim proizvodima, te rastuće neodlučnosti potrošača pri donošenju kupovnih odluka. U novom, složenom konkurentnom okruženju promotivne poruke trebaju doprijeti do svijesti ciljanih potrošača i doprinijeti stvaranju njegove naklonosti. Neuromarketinškim istraživanjima je moguće bolje upoznati potrošače, te slijedom spoznaja utjecati na njihovu emocionalnu percepciju prema proizvodima i uslugama. Fokus uspješnih tvrtki je na uspostavi dugoročnih profitabilnih odnosa s potrošačima, a nalazi neuromarketinških istraživanja tome mogu značajno doprinijeti. No neuromarketinška istraživanja i neuromarketing asociraju na manipulaciju potrošača i generiraju mnoge dvojbe vezano za njihovo korištenje u promociji. Etičke dileme su vezane uz smanjenje autonomije slobodnog izbora, zadiranje u intimu i privatnost, manipulacije ciljanih potrošača, osiguranje zaštite ranjivih skupina potrošača i drugo. Kompanije kojima su dostupni nalazi neuromarketinških istraživanja u prednosti su pri razvoju strategije i taktika kojima će se iste provoditi. To rezultira nejednakim tržišnim položajem konkurenata. Otklanjanje tih dilema je moguće uz striktno pridržavanje zakonskih regulativa i etičkih normi suvremenog društva. Javnost i na pravno iznimno reguliranim tržištima povezuje ovu problematiku s manipuliranjem. Neuroznanstvenici argumentiraju da spoznaje iz neuromarketinških istraživanja doprinose novim spoznajama, te da nužno nisu prediktori kupovnih odluka. Tema i istraživanje su definirani u težnji utvrđivanja utjecaja neuromarketinških istraživanja na aktualni imidž neuromarketinga u javnosti. Neuromarketing is defined as a symbiosis of neuroscience and marketing (Kuvačić et al., 2018). Its appearance is a consequence of the desire to discover new approaches to advertising, given the market saturation with various or similar products and the growing indecision of consumers when making purchase decisions. In the new, complex, competitive environment, promotional messages should reach the awareness of target consumers and contribute to creating their affection. With neuromarketing research, it is possible to get to know consumers better and, through knowledge, influence their emotional perception of products and services. Successful companies focus on establishing profitable long-term relationships with consumers, and the findings of neuromarketing research can significantly contribute to this. However, neuromarketing research and neuromarketing are associated with consumer manipulation and generate many doubts regarding their use in promotion. Ethical dilemmas are related to reducing the autonomy of free choice, invasion of intimacy and privacy, manipulation of target consumers, and protecting vulnerable groups of consumers and others. Companies with access to the findings of neuromarketing research have an advantage when developing strategies and tactics to implement them. This results in an unequal market position of competitors. Eliminating these dilemmas is possible with strict adherence to modern society's legal regulations and ethical norms. Even in legally highly regulated markets, the public associates this problem with manipulation. Neuroscientists argue that findings from neuromarketing research contribute to new knowledge and are not necessarily predictors of purchase decisions. The topic and the study are defined to determine the impact of neuromarketing research on the current image of neuromarketing in public. |