Biography, works by the composers and composition analysis from Aaron Copland, Claude Debussy, Petar Bergamo and Arnold Bax

Autor: Radonić, Žana
Přispěvatelé: Milić, Željko
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Rad sadrži detaljne analize kompozicija Koncert za klarinet, gudački orkestar, harfu i klavir skladatelja Aarona Coplanda, Première Rhapsodie Claudea Debussyja, Concerto Abbreviato Petra Bergama i Sonatu za klarinet i klavir Arnolda Baxa. Navedene su kompozicije vrlo cijenjena i svjetski priznata djela klarinetske literature. Rad također sadrži biografije i stvaralaštvo prethodno spomenutih skladatelja kako bi se dobila jasnija slika o njima kao ličnostima, vremenu i okolnostima u kojima su živjeli i situacijama u kojima su nastale kompozicije. Cijeli je rad utemeljen na glazbi 19. i 20. stoljeća. Analizirana djela pripadaju različitim stilskim pravcima poput impresionizma, klasičnog jazza i neoromantizma. The work contains detailed analyzes of the compositions Concerto for Clarinet, String Orchestra, Harp and Piano by composer Aaron Copland, Première Rhapsody by Claude Debussy, Concerto Abbreviato by Peter Bergamo, and Sonata for Clarinet and Piano by Arnold Bax. These compositions are highly esteemed and worldrenowned works of clarinet literature. The work also contains biographies and works of the aforementioned composers to get a clearer picture of them as personalities, the time and circumstances in which they lived, and the situations in which the compositions were created. The entire work is based on 19th and 20th-century music. The analyzed works belong to different stylistic directions such as impressionism, classical jazz, and neo-romanticism.
Databáze: OpenAIRE