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Cilj rada je pojasniti odnos i utjecaj arhitekture na mentalno zdravlje osoba smještenih u psihijatrijskim ustanovama. Fokus je na Psihijatrijskoj bolnici Ugljan, smještana na otoku Ugljanu. Preporuke arhitektonske struke, a i zdravstvene struke su kreiranje što humanijih uvjeta u ustanovama za liječenje osoba s mentalnim problemima, odnosno humanizacija prostora. The aim of the paper is to clarify the relationship and impact of architecture on the mental health of people housed in psychiatric institutions. The focus is on the Ugljan Psychiatric Hospital, located on the island of Ugljan. The recommendations of the architectural profession, as well as the health profession, are to create as humane conditions as possible in institutions for the treatment of people with mental problems, i.e. to humanize the space. |