Autor: Šimleša, Ines
Přispěvatelé: Reić, Zlatan
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2016
Popis: Kada se teorija igara tek počela razvijati, njeni dosezi bili su ograničeni, no s vremenom je razvijena kao interdisciplinarni koncept i mnogi su se znanstvenici kroz povijest bavili zakonitostima i hipotezama teorije igara kako bi je doveli do savršenstva i kako bi mi znali sve ono što znamo danas. Glavni cilj ovog rada bio je dati uvid u razvijanje teorije igara kroz povijest te naglasiti glavne teoreme i pretpostavke koji su proizašli iz istraživanja ovog područja, i pozicionirati ih u kontekstu ekonomske znanosti.Jedan od najvećih teorema je definitivno Nashov ekvilibrij, i kroz ovaj rad se taj pojam definirao, pokazao na primjeru i objasnio, naravno ne u svojoj cjelosti. Još jedan od teorema je vonNeumannovminimax teorem, pomocučijih strategija igrači minimiziraju svoje maksimalne gubitke. Još jedan nezamislivo velik doprinos je donio VilfredoPareto sa svojim 80/20 pravilom i, naravno, Paretovim optimumom. Neki od uočenih problema bile su pretpostavke racionalnosti ili pak pretpostavke savršene informiranosti u odreĎenim situacijama, no prilagodbom svakoj situaciji posebno, ti se problemi mogu izbjeći ili svesti na minimum. Da bi se objasnio taj problem racionalnosti, u kratkom empirijskom dijelu su budući ekonomisti zaigrali '2/3 od prosjeka' i dokazali kako niti najracionalniji od njih neće igrati strategije koje racionalnost nalaže, već da razmišljaju kako bi ostali mogli razmišljati i slično. Do istog su zaključka došli i danski znanstvenici koji su proveli brojčano najveći eksperiment da ovom igrom do danas. Kod savršene informiranosti se zakonskim i društvenim regulativama i pravilima pokušava umanjiti moralni hazard i negativna selekcija koji su često posljedice asimetričnih informacija na tržištu. Bilo kako bilo, zaključak je da je ovo jedno od najzanimljivijih i sigurno jedno od najkompleksnijih područja moderne ekonomije kakvu mi poznajemo danas. Zahvaljujući popularnosti koju su teoriji igara donijeli filmovi, serije i knjige, zanimanje za nju se povećalo i doprinjelo daljnjoj popularizaciji meĎu mladim ljudima. Tko zna, možda baš netko od njih riješi probleme koje muče znanstvenike današnjice. When Game Theory first appeared, it was very limited, however, with time it was fully developed as a concept, and manny scientists throughout history have tried to define laws and to hypothesize Game Theory to make it perfect. Thus, we are able to understand it better today. The main goal of this paper was to briefly explain the evolution of Game Theory in time and to highlight all of the theorems that were a result of research of this area, and to place them within the field of Economics. One of the biggest theorems that came out of it is the Nash Equilibrium, and through this paper this term was defined and explained through example, of course it wasn't fully explained. Another theorem was the von Neumanns's Minimax Theorem that helps to define the strategy that minimizes maximal loses. Another incredibly important contribution was made by Alfredo Pareto that made the 80-20 rule and Pareto efficiency. Some of the problems were assumptions of rationality or assumptions of perfect information in certain situations, still, by adapting to a specific situation, these problems can easily be avoided or at very least, minimized. To explain the problem of rationality, in the empirical part of the paper economists-to-be have played '2/3 of on Average' and proved that even the most rational amongst them will not play the strategies that are considered to be rational but are considering what others may consider. The Danish scientists have reached the same conclusion by carrying out one of the biggest experiments of this kind. When it comes to perfect information, by regulating the market with laws and social norms, moral hazard and negative slection can be reduced, and these are often a result of assymetric information in the market. Anyhow, this is one of the most interesting and surely one of the most complex fields of modern Economics as we know it. Thanks to popularity it gained through movies, TV shows and books, more and more people were interested in Game Theory and it contributed to further popularization, especially among the younger generations. Who knows, maybe some of them will one day solve the puzzles that are eyesores for the scientists today.
Databáze: OpenAIRE