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Cilj: Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati iskustva žena prilikom poroda u Republici Hrvatskoj (RH). Metode: Podaci su prikupljani u razdoblju od kraja veljače do kraja svibnja 2022. godine pomoću anonimne ankete postavljene u grupe vezane uz majčinstvo na društvenoj mreži Meta. Anketa se sastojala od 36 pitanja. Na pitanja su većinom bili ponuđeni odgovori, ocijene ili navedeno u kojoj se mjeri slažu ili ne sa tvrdnjom. Rezultati: Utvrđeno je zadovoljstvo u materalnoj skrbi u podršci osoblja pri porodu, promociji dojenja i prvog kontakta, te u poštivanju privatnosti i dostojanstva i u čistoći prostora. No, uočeni su i propusti u komunikaciji, manjkavosti informacija i traženju suglasnosti. Obzirom da su porodi bili u vrijeme pandemije, utvrđeno je kako se osoblje uglavnom pridržavalo svih mjera, no maska koja je bila obavezna smatrana je otegotnom okolnošću. Zaključak: Ispitanice izražavaju zadovoljstvo s podrškom primalje za vrijeme poroda te imaju pozitivan stav vezan uz iskustvo poroda i babinja u vrijeme COVID pandemije. S druge strane, nisu zadovoljene potrebe za znanjem o vlastitoj njezi i njezi djeteta za vrijeme hospitalizacije pa u tom području i u komunikaciji postoji veliki prostor za napredak i usavršavanje. : Goal: The goal of the research was to question the experiences of woman during childbirth in the Republic of Croatia. Methods: Data were collected in the period from the end of February to the end of May 2022 using an anonymous survey posted in groups related to motherhood on the social network Meta. The survey consisted 36 questions. The questions were mostly answered, evaluated or stated to what extent they agree or disagree with the statement. Results: Satisfaction was found in maternal care in supporting staff during childbirth, promoting breastfeeding and first contact, and in respecting privacy and dignity and in the cleanliness of the space. However, gaps in communication, lack of information and seeking consent were also noted. Given that the births were at the time of the pandemic, it was determined that the staff generally complied with all measures, but the mask that was mandatory was considered an aggravating circumstance. Conclusion: Respondents express satisfaction with the support of midwives during childbirth and have a positive attitude related to the experience of childbirth and midwifery during the COVID pandemic. On the other hand, the need for knowledge about self and child care during hospitalization is not met, so there is a lot of room for improvement and improvement in this area and in communication |