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U radu je prikazan statički proračun manje obiteljske kuće. Građevina se sastoji dvije etaže, prizemlja i potkrovlja sa kosim krovom. Izvedba građevine je zidana sa armirano betonskom međukatnom monolitnom pločom i fert gredicama kao konstrukcija krova. Projekt sadrži: tehnički opis konstrukcije, opće i posebne tehničke uvjete, plan kontrole i osiguranja kvalitete, proračun nosivih konstrukcijskih elemenata i karakteristične građevinske nacrte i armaturne planove. The static design of small family house is presented in this work. The building consist of two stories: ground floor and attic with slated roof. The construction of house is masonry walls with reinforced concrete slab between stories and fert structure as roof structure. The work includes technical description of the structure, general and particular conditions of civil engineering works, control plan and quality assurance plan, calculation of the main structural elements as well as characteristic structural plans and reinforcement plans. |