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Marketinške aktivnosti imaju ključnu ulogu u razvoju turizma. Hotelijerstvo je dio gospodarske djelatnosti turizma, a hotel je nositelj turističke ponude. Pružanje hotelskih usluga ima cilj da se zadovolje potrebe gostiju. To se najbolje postiže korištenjem složenih marketinških koncepta. Hotelska usluga kao turistički proizvod se razlikuje od drugih proizvoda po specifičnim obilježjima i složenoj strukturi. Kreiranje i razvoj proizvoda je jako bitno za poslovanje tvrtke. Prođe li proizvod sve faze uspješno, onda je i sam uspjeh gotovo siguran. Određivanje cijene proizvoda je dio marketinškog miksa koji mora biti u skladu s kvalitetom proizvoda. Uspjeh marketinških aktivnosti na vanjskom tržištu jako ovisi o uspjehu marketinga na unutarnjem tržištu. Unutarnji marketing se odnosi na zaposlenike i tvrtku, a zadatak mu je da svatko u poduzeću prihvati odgovarajuće marketinške principe. Napredak tehnologije je jako unaprijedio i olakšao upravljanje promotivnim spletom hotela. Digitalno doba donosi nove marketinške strategije, radi kojih dolazi do radikalne preobrazbe hotelskih objekata. Uvođenjem e-marketinga olakšava i ubrzava poslovanje, dok potencijalni kupci brže i efikasnije dolaze do informacija. Hotelski objekti trebaju neprestano komunicirati sa svojim klijentima i pri tome koriste više tipova promocijskih metoda. Kako bi se ostvarila uspješna marketinška komunikacija moraju se donijeti odluke o određivanju ciljane publike, o obračunu, te o poruci i izboru medija i na kraju se mora ocijeniti učinak oglašavanja. Još jedan bitan marketinški instrument je promocija čiji je cilj postizanje pozitivnog publiciteta i stvaranje imidža hotelskog objekta. Publicitet je neplaćeni oblik promocije a može biti pozitivan ili negativan. Marketing activities have a key role in the development of tourism. Hospitality is a part of economic activities in tourism and the hotel is the carrier of tourist supply. Providing hotel services aims to satisfy the needs of guests. This is best achieved by using a more complex range of marketing concepts. Hotel Services as tourism products are different from other products by specific characteristics and complex structure. Product creation and development is very important for the company’s operations. If the product passes all stages successfully, then the success itself is almost certain. Pricing is part of the marketing mix, which must be in accordance with the quality of the product. The success of marketing activities on the external market is very dependent on the success of marketing on the internal market. Internal marketing refers to all employees in the company including management and its task is for everyone to accept and embrace the proper marketing principles. Advancement of technology has highly improved and facilitated the management of promotional mix of the hotel. The digital age brings new marketing strategies, due to them there is a radical transformation of hotel facilities. With the introduction of e-marketing, conducting business has become quicker and easier while potential customers obtain information more quickly and efficiently. Hotel facilities should constantly communicate with their clients and thereby use more types of promotional methods. In order to achieve successful marketing communication the following decision must be made: the determination of the target audience and the budget calculations, the message and choice of media and finally the assessment of the impact of advertising. Another important marketing tool is promotion, which aims to achieve positive publicity and create the image of the hotel. Publicity is an unpaid form of promotion and it can be positive or negative. |