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U radu se analizira uloga distribucije na primjeru poduzeća Pemo kao i značaj, odnosno temeljne prednosti i slabosti distribucije. Analiza se vrši u cilju definiranja mogućnosti unapređivanja logistike kao jedne od temeljnih elemenata marketinškog miksa, s obzirom da svaki proizvod mora pronaći svoj put do potencijalnog kupca. Također, važno je utvrditi specifičnosti distribucijskih kanala s aspekta maloprodaje i veleprodaje, veze između logistike i distribucije. Pemo ima vlastitu distribuciju koju je potrebno usklađivati sa trendovima tržišnog razvoja. The paper analyzes the role of distribution on the example of the company Pemo as well as its importance, is the fundamental advantages and weaknesses of the distribution. The analysis is carried out in order to define the possibilities of improving logistics as one of the fundamental elements of a marketing mix, since each product must find its way to a potential buyer. It is also important to determine the specificity of distribution channels from the retail and wholesale aspect, the link between logistics and distribution. Pemo has its own distribution that needs to be aligned with the trends in market development. |