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U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja utjecaja otopina fenolnih derivata cimetne kiseline, o- kumarinske kiseline i p-kumarinske kiseline na korozijsko ponašanje željeza. Derivati cimetne kiseline, kao potencijalni inhibitori korozije, na elektrodu od željeza formirani su samoorganiziranjem pomoću metode urona te dodatkom 5 mL 0,1 M alkoholne otopine kumarinske kiseline u osnovni elektrolit (0,5 M otopina natrijevog klorida) u kojem su provedena sva ispitivanja. Korištene su metode mjerenja potencijala otvorenog strujnog kruga, cikličke voltametrije, linearne kvazi - potenciostatske polarizacije i elektrokemijske impedancijske spektroskopije. Sve navedene metode pokazale su dobro djelovanje kumarinskih kiselina kao inhibitora korozije željeza. Primjenjujući optički mikroskop i FTIR spektroskopiju potvrđeno je postojanje zaštitnog filma o- kumarinske i p-kumarinske kiseline na površini elektrode od željeza. This thesis presents results of the research on influence of phenolic derivatives of cinnamic acid, o-coumaric acid and p-coumaric acid on corrosion behavior of iron electrode. Cinnamic acid derivatives, which were used as potential inhibitors, were applied by self-assembling using the immersion method by adding 5mL of 0.1 M alcoholic solution of coumaric acid to the basic electrolyte (0.5 M NaCl solution) and in which all the tests were conducted. Electrochemical tests were performed by the open circuit potential measurements, cyclic voltammetry measurements, linear quasi potentiostatic polarization measurements and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements. All the above methods have shown good performance of coumaric acids as an inhibitor of iron corrosion. By applying the optical microscope and FTIR technique the protective film of o-coumaric and p-coumaric acid was found to exist on the surface of the iron electrode. |