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Neslužbeno gospodarstvo (poznatije kao siva ekonomija) vrlo je širok pojam zbog čega se definira na mnogo načina. Međutim, prema svakoj definiciji siva ekonomija obuhvaća sve ekonomske aktivnosti zemlje koje pridonose stvaranju BDP-a, ali koje nisu službeno registrirane jer se obavljaju izvan pravne regulative ili protivno propisima. Mnogobrojni su uzroci nastanka neslužbenog gospodarstva, kao i posljedice koje uzrokuje. Budući da se ne može u potpunosti suzbiti, cilj svake zemlje trebao bi biti smanjenje sive ekonomije na što je moguće manju razinu. Kako bi to postigla, svaka zemlja treba provoditi određene mjere i uistinu ih se pridržavati (bez iznimaka). Iako do sada stanje u području smanjivanja sive ekonomije nije baš idealno (pogotovo u Republici Hrvatskoj), nada za budućnost je velika. U ovome je radu pojašnjena siva ekonomija s posljedicama koje nosi kao i načinima mjerenja te mjerama za njeno smanjivanje. Budući da je slučajeva sive ekonomije sve više, ova je tema uistinu vrlo važna za sve zemlje, a posebno za Republiku Hrvatsku u kojoj stanje nije nimalo poželjno. The informal economy (better known as the gray economy) is a very broad term and because of that it is defined at many ways. However, according to each definition, the gray economy encompasses all economic activities of a country that contribute to the creation of GDP, but which are not officially registered because they are performed outside the legal regulations or contrary to regulations. There are many causes of the emergence of the informal economy, as well as the consequences it causes. Since it cannot be completely suppressed, the goal of every country should be to reduce the gray economy to as small a level as possible. To achieve this, each country needs to implement certain measures and truly adhere to them (without exceptions). Although, until now, the situation in the field of reducing the gray economy is not very ideal (especially in the Republic of Croatia), the hope for the future is great. This final paper explains the gray economy with its consequences as well as methods of measurement and measures to reduce it. Since there are more and more cases of the gray economy, this topic is really very important for all countries, and especially for the Republic of Croatia, where the situation is not at all desirable. |