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Problem istraživanja ovog rada je analiza generalnog trenda kretanja javnih rashoda Republike Hrvatske od 2008. do 2018. godine s posebnim osvrtom na izdatke u području investicija i zdravstva, želeći pritom utvrditi korelacije između količine utroška i krajnjeg učinka spomenutih izdataka na gospodarstvo. Javni rashodi su kategorija državnog proračuna koja cilja zadovoljenju javnih potreba. Stoga, pod opseg pojma javnih rashoda ubrajamo sve izdatke koji se koriste za financiranje javnih potreba, a prikupljeni su iz prihoda i primitaka državnog proračuna. Temeljna obilježja pojma javnih rashoda najbolje opisuje Predmet ovog istraživanja bit će obrađen teorijskim pristupom i obradom osnovnih ekonomskih pojmova koje ovo istraživanje obuhvaća u smislu definiranja, općih obilježja te znanstvenih podjela uz prikaz javnih prihoda i rashoda kroz povijest. Cilj ovog istraživanja je sistematična analiza izdataka za investicije i zdravstvo iz domene javnih rashoda u dužem vremenskom periodu sa svrhom da se isti putem ispitivanja postavljenih hipoteza dovedu u formirane relacije sa gospodarskim rastom u navedenom razdoblju iz čega bi se moglo utvrditi postoje li zakonitosti po kojima određene stavke u javnim rashodima utječu na gospodarski rast. Namjera je utvrditi utječu li trendovi gospodarskog rasta na izdatke za zdravstvo i investicije u Republici Hrvatskoj ili obrnuto te postoje li konstantne zakonitosti u tom odnosu. The problem with the research of this paper is the analysis of the general trend of public expenditures of the Republic of Croatia from 2008 to 2018, with special emphasis on expenditures in the field of investments and health care, wishing to establish correlations between the amount of expenditure and the final effect of the said expenditures on the economy. Public expenditures are a category of the state budget aimed at meeting public needs. Therefore, under the scope of the concept of public expenditures we include all expenditures used for financing public needs, which are collected from the revenues and receipts of the state budget. The basic features of the concept of public expenditure best describes The subject of this research will be addressed by the theoretical approach and the processing of basic economic concepts covered by this research in terms of defining, general characteristics and scientific divisions with a view of public revenues and expenditures throughout history. The aim of this research is a systematic analysis of expenditures for investments and health care in the field of public expenditures over a long period of time, with the purpose of bringing the hypotheses into the established relations with economic growth in the stated period from which it would be possible to determine whether there are regularities under which certain items in public expenditure affect economic growth. The intention is to determine whether trends in economic growth affect health care expenditure and investments in the Republic of Croatia or vice versa, and whether there are constant regularities in this relationship. |