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Sve veća prisutnost mikroplastike, ne samo u okolišu nego i u hrani te predmetima svakodnevne uporabe, postavlja pitanja kako smanjiti i minimizirati njezin utjecaj na ljudsko zdravlje. Plastična ambalaža postaje sve popularnija i koristi se za pakiranje mnogih proizvoda. Budući da se plastika ne može razgraditi, dolazi do sve veće akumulacije plastike u okolišu pa i u proizvodima pakiranih u plastičnu ambalažu. Djelovanjem različitih čimbenika dolazi do fragmentacije plastike te nastaju čestice mikroplastike. Prema tome, potrebno je razviti metodu analize mikroplastike u hrani. Trenutno je vrlo teško kvantificirati broj čestica i njegov točan sastav. Ipak, polukvantitativne tehnike kao što je FT-IR (infracrvena spektrofotometrija s Fourierovom transformacijom) mogu nam dati uvid u kemijski sastav čestica mikroplastike u hrani i pićima. Pivo se danas puni u PET ambalažu jer predstavlja jeftiniji materijal za pakiranje u usporedbi sa staklom. Cilj ovog rada bio je dati kratak pregled FT-IR identificiranih spojeva u PET pakiranim uzorcima piva. Rezultati pokazuju da se mnogi spojevi mikroplastike mogu naći u pivu, ali najčešće pronađeni u ovom istraživanju bili su β- ciklodekstrin i L(-)-gliceraldehidni neprirodni oblik, dva spoja označena kao mikroplastika. The increasing presence of microplastics, not only in the environment but also in food and everyday objects, raises the question of how to reduce and minimize their impact on human health. Plastic packaging is becoming increasingly popular and is used to package many products. Since plastic cannot decompose, it accumulates in the environment and even in products packaged in plastic packaging. Due to the action of various factors, plastic fragmentation occurs and microplastic particles are formed. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a method to analyze microplastics in food. Currently, it is very difficult to quantify the number of particles and their exact composition. Nevertheless, semi-quantitative techniques such as FT-IR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometry) can provide information about the chemical composition of microplastic particles in food and beverages. Beer is nowadays bottled in PET packaging as it is a cheaper packaging material compared to glass. The aim of this study was to provide a brief overview of the FT-IR - identified compounds in PET-packaged beer samples. The results show that many compounds can be found in beer, but the most commonly found in this study were β-cyclodextrin and L(-)-glyceraldehyde in unnatural form, two compounds labeled as microplastics. |