Edilizia residenziale e altri elementi del profilo urbano – I quartieri meridionali

Přispěvatelé: I. Baldini, M. Livadiotti, Orlandi, Lucia
Jazyk: italština
Rok vydání: 2015
Popis: Despite the fact that the residential function of the buildings cannot be confirmed in every case, the archaeological data from the urban center of Kos provides one of the most complete overview of late antique housing in an insular urban context. It consists mostly of structures built within the first and middle imperial period, with a continuity of use in time. Other buildings date back to the 3rd-4th c., and to the 5th. There aren’t many examples of houses erected ex novo in the Late Roman period: furthermore, those examples do not seem to show significant typological renovations, highlighting instead a trend to preserve the traditional architectural forms. During Late Antiquity, high status features must have characterized the area of Quartiere del Serraglio, Halvagià, Amygdalona and the Decumanus. Amongst the interventions dated to the early Byzantine period, which were identified in Roman imperial contexts, it is possible to note, on the one hand, the maintaining of the mosaic pavements, sometimes with huge and highly refined solutions, on the other hand, a frequent “subdivision” phenomenon together with a worsening of building techniques. This section deals with the southern quarters of the city.
Databáze: OpenAIRE