Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for older adults with depression: results from a randomized controlled trial

Autor: Eimontas, Jonas, Pakalniškienė, Vilmantė, Biliūnaitė, Ieva, Medeišienė, Jogilė, Zrumaitė, Simona, Andersson, Gerhard
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Psihološka obzorja / Horizons of Psychology: Psychology as the hub science: opportunities and responsibility: 17th European congress of psychology, 5-8 July 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia : book of abstracts, Ljubljana : Slovenian Psychologists' Association, 2022, vol. 31, p. 341
ISSN: 2350-5141
Databáze: OpenAIRE